We will be testing a variety of systems and changes on the next Test Server. This is part of our ongoing effort to test features before implementing them in the live game. As such, any features present in the Test Server do not have final release dates, and are subject to change. More information about each change will be shared prior to their release. Please also note that our balancing changes planned for patch 1.2 are included in this Test Server. You can find more details about those changes, including the nerf to Lion here.

For this Test Server phase, our focus is on Pick and Ban, and the recoil change feedback.


Pick and Ban is a set of custom game options that players are able to activate when they create a custom game. To play with the new Pick and Ban system, you will first need to create a custom game. Then navigate to the match settings section of the custom game options. From here, you can activate/deactivate the ban feature. You will also need to select the time per ban phase. To mirror the Pro League settings, you will also want to activate 6th pick, and select the time for this pick phase. Finally, set the round rotation to Win/Play.

We are looking for feedback on the UI and overall player experience with the Pick and Ban settings active. Additionally, any feedback regarding how Pick and Ban plays out within the game is welcome as well! Please submit that feedback here.


We are iterating on the weapon sight misalignment fix that was tested in the previous Test Server. We have made some minor tweaks and will be testing it again. We are looking forward to your feedback on this version of the weapon sight misalignment fix, and request that you submit all feedback here.


We wanted to improve the visual and audio feedback when disabling the Defuser. This is an animation change, so the interaction distance and conditions will be the same.


We are changing how your character behaves when going from standing or crouch to prone. If you are aiming down sights while doing this action, you will shift to a hip fire shooting stance. We felt this action is too strong and frustrating to play against.


With additional Observation tools coming to the game, we needed to rework how players interact with them. This new system will come with a cleaner UI, and a better player experience overall.


Some of our Operators will receive a deployable bulletproof camera to as a secondary gadget.


Over the last two years, we have noticed the trade-off between armor and speed is too skewed to higher speed. As such, we will be making the following changes:

  • 3 Speed Operators slightly slower
  • 1 Speed Operators slightly faster
  • Small increase to movement speed with handguns out (Automatic sidearms excluded)
  • No movement speed penalty for shield Operators when the shield is on their back


We are looking at giving Echo a second Yokai drone, and adjusting the recharge rate of his gadget. The goal is to encourage him to take more risks throughout the round.


  • Clubhouse appears in the custom game list but is not playable.
  • If a player leaves the game while their Yokai drones are deployed, they will disappear.
  • Lone Wolf Terrorist Hunt does not launch on first try.
  • Occasionally, players can be stuck in their spawn.

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