The Season 2 update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is live, and it’s causing a bit of a stir in the community due to its massive size. The update size varies between PC, PS4, and Xbox One, but it’s rather large regardless of platform.
The update is roughly 94 GB on PC, 51 GB on PS4, and 68 GB on Xbox One. That’s enough to cause some consternation on the Call of Duty subreddit, as it means long download times and possibly even eating a significant chunk of a bandwidth cap. (On the plus side, that leaves you plenty of time to read the patch notes.)
Once you do have the large update downloaded, you can jump into the Season 2 content and new Battle Pass. The update includes two new multiplayer maps (Rust and Atlas Superstore), a new Ground War map (Zhokov Boneyard), and new Gunfight maps. Gunfight Tournaments and Call of Duty League Ruleset playlists are also added, along with two more weapons (GRAU 5.56 and Striker 45) and the new operator, Simon “Ghost” Riley.
The maps and weapons are free for all players, but Ghost and a series of cosmetic rewards and XP tokens are only for premium Battle Pass tiers. You can also purchase your way into the Battle Pass Bundle and get 20 Tier skips as well.
Kompletter Artikel: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 Update Is Huge, And People Are Upset