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Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Großer Leak zu 38 neuen Multiplayer-Maps und vielen Spielmodi

Dass Infinity Ward den Ego-Shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare nach dem Release regelmäßig um neue Mehrspieler-Maps und -Modi erweitern will, hatten die Entwickler bereits vor wenigen Monaten angekündigt. Details zu den möglichen DLCs liegen bislang…

Kompletter Artikel: Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Großer Leak zu 38 neuen Multiplayer-Maps und vielen Spielmodi

Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Neue Updates stehen an – Ausblick auf die Patch-Änderungen

Infinity Ward bereitet die nächsten Updates für Call of Duty: Modern Warfare vor. Auf Twitter gibt Entwickler Joe Cecot bereits einen ersten Ausblick auf die Bugfixes und Optimierungen, die für die nächsten Patches in Arbeit sind. Versprochen sind unter…

Kompletter Artikel: Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Neue Updates stehen an – Ausblick auf die Patch-Änderungen

Some Of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Guns Are Bugged, Apparently

It seems some of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s weapons have extremely high recoil or extremely far range, affecting a handful of rifles and one particular shotgun.

According to YouTuber E-Roc, three guns have exponentially higher recoil when crouching than standing: the Kilo 141 assault rifle, the M-13 assault rifle, and the MP-5 submachine gun. When compared to the plethora of other guns tested, E-Roc found that these three guns in particular become more inaccurate when crouched. “I want you to keep in mind the M-13, the Kilo 141, and the MP-5 because for these guns, I think, the recoil pattern is broke. It needs to be fixed,” E-Roc says. “I would honestly recommend you not to use these guns … until they fix it, at least. Just don’t use them.” E-Roc notes that the weapons haven’t been modified in Modern Warfare’s Gunsmith.”

An Activision blog post says the standing position is a gun’s baseline-level of accuracy. “Accuracy while standing is the baseline accuracy for any weapon, so consider that when choosing between weapons for a loadout.” The post later confirms crouching affords you an accuracy boost. “In a crouch, your Operator gets an accuracy boost and recoil reduction bonus.”

Polygon reports that one specific shotgun, the double-barreled 725, has very unusual behavior. It dishes out an exceptional amount of damage already, typically dropping enemies in the first of its two shots. However, with some extra attachments like an extended barrel and an upgrade called a “monolithic suppressor,” the 725 shotgun can mimic the game’s best sniper rifles.

Developer Infinity Ward has recently implemented a new update for the first-person shooter, which includes numerous fixes and tweaks, the removal of all battle chatter, changing the sounds of footsteps, and more.

In our Modern Warfare review-in-progress, we said, “The pitfalls of Spec Ops don’t detract from what Modern Warfare does well. Realism mode is an excellent addition to the slate, and although not all the new multiplayer modes are great, Gunfight and the Night Vision playlist are refreshing standouts. And while the campaign ends up playing it safe in the end, it’s still a memorable one, and it lays a strong foundation for where the Modern Warfare series could go from here.” The review and score, which concluded with a 7/10, will be updated once we test multiplayer on live servers and spend more time with the Spec Ops mode.

Kompletter Artikel: Some Of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Guns Are Bugged, Apparently

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Update: Kommen Zombies ins Spiel? Hinweise entdeckt

Ein Zombies-Modus fehlt in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Die Entwickler hatten bereits lange vor dem Release bestätigt, auf die Koop-Spielvariante verzichten zu wollen. Ein Dataminer hat jetzt Hinweise auf eine mögliche Zombie-Thematik in Modern Warfare…

Kompletter Artikel: Call of Duty Modern Warfare Update: Kommen Zombies ins Spiel? Hinweise entdeckt

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare New Update Released, And We Have All The Patch Notes

A new update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The newest title update includes a number of fixes and tweaks for Infinity Ward’s latest, beginning with additional fixes that help improve stability and minimize the likelihood of game crashes.

Additionally, all battle chatter has now been removed–that is, the brief lines of dialogue that characters say during matches–from Modern Warfare’s one-life modes. This sounds like a welcome change, as the more tactical, one-life modes require strategy and stealth, and hearing the loud callouts can lead to a negative experience. Connected to this, Infinity Ward has changed the sound of footsteps–the footstep sounds will now “filter out” based on occlusion effects.

Another change in the update includes how stun grenades can now disable claymores for 3 seconds. This is another big change, as players have been reporting that claymores can trend toward the over-powered side.

You can see the full rundown of changes to the gameplay and what’s new in the multiplayer playlists below, as posted by Infinity Ward on Reddit.

Modern Warfare multiplayer design director Joe Cecot added that Infinity Ward is working on additional changes and updates to come later. In the future, Infinity Ward will release updates that further restrict the player call out logic and prevent enemies from hearing these call outs across all modes. There will also be further changes to weapon tuning and spawn locations.

Title Update/Playlist Update

Title Update:

  • More fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability across all platforms
  • Battlechatter has been removed from tactical, one-life modes
  • APCs and Tanks in Ground War no longer award points towards a nuke
  • Fix for charms affecting weapon performance when firing from the hip
  • Claymores: Stun grenades can now force claymores into a disabled state for 3 seconds
  • Footsteps: Adjustments to tame the 3rd person footsteps. They will now filter out based on occlusion more.
  • Fix to an issue where Tac Inserts could cause players to spawn out of bounds
  • Fix for the gold camo not unlocking on the .357

Playlist Update:

  • NVG (TDM only)
  • Ground War
  • Gunfight
  • Kill Confirmed
  • FFA

Kompletter Artikel: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare New Update Released, And We Have All The Patch Notes


Updated: 29th October 2019

We wanted to update you on the DDoS/DoS article that was shared a few weeks ago, Click Here[] to read up on this again.


The deployment and delivery of our previously communicated plan has resulted in a 93% drop in the frequency of DDoS/DoS attacks.

While this is a huge improvement, we are committed to continuing our work on strengthening the network infrastructure to prevent further attacks. We are also improving our automated monitoring that detects people initiating attacks to populate DDoS Ban Waves.


Below you will find updates on the status of action items outlined previously.

With the DDoS/DoS ban wave process for both PC and Console now in place, we plan to continue these in the future as needed.






We are in the process of determining the best time to reintroduce this feature, as the DDoS attacks have lessened considerably.



Cease and desists to websites and people hosting these services.


Legal action against prominent DDoS/DoS attackers, and cheat makers.


Development is ongoing with our partners on the Microsoft Azure team, and we are working closely with them to develop both short and long term solutions.

Impact: This will have a substantial impact on DDoS, DoS, Soft Booting, and server stressing.


Kompletter Artikel: DDOS/DOS FOLLOW UP


The Y4S3.3 patch will deploy for PC on Tuesday, October 22nd. For full details on the balancing changes, please see our Designer’s Notes[].


With Y4S3.3 the MMR Rollback system is getting a few improvements that allow us to more appropriately target and address those who exploit the integrity of the ranked system. A drastic MMR change is a sign of massive irregularity and a red flag in our system. So we will now be resetting MMR for such players.

This means that instead of undergoing a significant change in MMR, players will have to redo their placement matches to get back appropriately on the ladder. Players who have their MMR reset will also not receive the seasonal ranked charm for their highest rank prior to the reset.


Stay focused on the details, but detail a bit faster now.

Increased Glaz’s rate of fire to 380 (up from 285)

Less fragging, more tactical dabbing.

Reduced Twitch’s F2 Magazine to 25 (down from 30)

Warden’s Glo Up.

Warden changed to 2 speed – 2 armor type instead of 1 speed – 3 armor


FIXED – Players can use a 3rd party hack to change other players’ operators.
FIXED – After switching from advanced to standard deployment, Attacker’s first breach charge deployment attempt gets canceled.

FIXED – Blackbeard’s shield clips through his body when equipping while leaning.
FIXED – Hibana’s XKairos pellets can destroy other pellets deployed on the same wall even if they are out of the blast radius.
FIXED –Defenders can place a barricade or Castle’s Armor Panel over Goyo’s Volcan Shield.

FIXED – Radio music doesn’t stop playing even when the radio is destroyed.
FIXED – Right clicking when in the scoreboard will cause player to enter ADS and the selected tab simultaneously.
FIXED – Mute text chat option does not work on LAN.
FIXED – When going into observation mode, SFX plays twice.
FIXED – My Rank UI tab now shows your current rank in the season instead of the highest rank achieved.
FIXED – Minor visual texture issues for Uniforms.
FIXED – Visual glitch if players switch weapons after rappelling.
FIXED – Menu UI visual fixes.

Kompletter Artikel: Y4S3.3 PATCH NOTES


In this patch’s Designer’s Notes, we are looking back at what has been shared earlier. Our Dev team had the pleasure of welcoming Prodigio Pete, Rogue-9 and Get Flanked into our Barcelona office, home of our balancing team. The discussion and data shared during the podcastt is available below, as well as the changes that will be implemented in the Y4S3.3 update.


Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.

Presence definition: “pick rate of an Operator when not banned.”




  • F2 magazine capacity reduced from 30 to 25

Twitch is still one of the top performing Operators, and despite a minor recoil nerf in an earlier patch[] she remains a top attacker. We’re reducing her magazine capacity to lower her fragging ability, but no changes to her gadget as we feel her ability remains crucial to teamplay and is in a good spot now.


  • Changing Warden’s from a 1 speed, 3 armor Operator to 2 speed 2 armor

Warden’s presence is quite low, and we want to address that. By increasing his speed, he will have more opportunities to use his ability effectively. This is a first step into increasing the potential surrounding Warden operator and his gadget. We are also taking larger changes to his kit under consideration for the future.


  • Rate of fire increased for the OTs-03 by 33% (from 285 to 380 rounds per minute.)

We are still looking to calibrate the Russian sniper to find the right balance. We are quite happy about the previous work done to address the frustration stemming from his gadget but would like to increase his presence as he is the least played attacker now.


Blackbeard’s win delta is currently on the rise. While we did not expect to see such a steep increase, we are following a few leads. We will continue to monitor his performance to see if tweaking is necessary to keep him on par with other attacking Operators.

Nøkk has had a slow start and her pick rate is quite low. To make her a more attractive choice, we are currently reviewing some suggestions to improve her loadout. We feel it is premature to change anything regarding her as an Operator for now, so for the time being, we would like to keep monitoring her performance. The last few weeks of Pro League have shown a few interesting uses of her ability, and we would like to keep an eye on it to see how she can evolve.

We are exploring a few options for Kaid as we would like to offer the Moroccan defender more opportunity to use his secondary gadgets. We are not quite ready to give more details, as it is a work in progress.


  • Added different coloured circles around the targeted footstep for better visual feedback. These circles also have varying pattern lengths to be Colour Blind friendly.

As the most banned attacker, Jackal is a high source of frustration for many players and one of our top balancing priorities.

The primary focus of our design with the Jackal changes were on his tracking ability. Jackal’s tracking ability should require a more active contribution from the player and should be overall less frequent and shorter for defenders. We want to reduce the number of pings, based on the “age” of the footprint. We would also like Jackal mains to decide if scanning footsteps is the correct choice to make, as it will make them disappear.

The new version of Jackal is currently available on the Test Server and our goal is to have his update go live next season.

Try out the latest Rainbow Six updates on the Test Server and earn and exclusive charm through the BugHunter program[].

Follow us and share your feedback on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook[], and on our forums[].

Kompletter Artikel: Y4S3.3 DESIGNER'S NOTES: MID-SEASON


The Y4S3.2 patch features an update to the surrender feature, a fix for a bug with attacker/defender side assignment bias, and various other bug fixes. The patch is scheduled to deploy to PC on October 8th.

  • Surrender now requires a unanimous vote.
  • Surrender feature is now only available if the team is currently losing in rounds.
  • Surrender is still only available starting with the 3rd


In hostage mode, anyone who detonates a Volcan shield is now responsible for any explosive damage it does once the hostage is picked up. Prior to hostage pick up Goyo is still responsible.

  • FIXED – Fixed an issue with Attacker side logic bias during lobby creation. Attacker and Defender side assignment is now completely random
  • FIXED – Users are able to vault over an operator with extended shield if that operator stays between a player and a vault prompt.
  • FIXED – Players can get stuck in the leaning position after ADSing when Lean to Hold is on.
  • FIXED – Defenders can keep using their camera when a logic bomb is activated.
  • FIXED – Players sometimes do not receive a matchmaking penalty if they cancel right as the match begins.
  • FIXED – Defuser can sometimes disappear if an attacker is killed immediately after it is secured.



  • FIXED – Alibi’s Prisma animation outline remains after players collide with it.


  • FIXED – Ash’s breaching round is not destroyed when used on barbed wire with an active Bandit Battery.


  • FIXED – Goyo can complete deployment of his Volcan shield before gauge bar has completed.
  • FIXED – Goyo’s Volcan shield clips with operators when forcing collision with the shield while prone between the shield and other props/walls.


  • FIXED – Replication for Hibana’s X-Kairos destruction pattern is inconsistent between clients.


  • FIXED – Electricity VFX disappears when the reinforced wall on which Kaid’s Rtila is deployed is shot at.


  • FIXED – Maestro’s turret movement SFX remains for users that are still spectating his camera after he leaves it.
  • FIXED – Maestro’s Evil Eye will sometimes shift position if another player is moving and spectating another camera and suddenly switches to the Evil Eye.


  • FIXED – Players can sometimes change between ADS and non-ADS when Monty’s shield is out.


  • FIXED – Mozzie drone SFX remains after being destroyed.

Kompletter Artikel: Y4S3.2 PATCH NOTES