Here's The Call Of Duty: Warzone Battle Royale Map

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will finally roll out its long-rumored battle royale mode, titled Warzone, on Tuesday, March 10. If you want to get a lay of the land ahead of time, though, Infinity Ward has shown off an overhead view of the massive map. Plan your strategy accordingly.

The map (below) is a large area of Verdansk, with mountainous regions in the north and a body of water in the south. It’s pocketed with several landmarks, including the Atlas Superstore, a stadium, lumber yard, quarry, and racing track. A dotted line appears to show the playable area, which in battle royale fashion will shrink as the match proceeds.

Warzone will be free-to-play, so you can jump in and join the battle royale even if you don’t own the main Modern Warfare game. It will support up to 150 players, and Modern Warfare owners will get access a few hours early. There are other benefits to being in the Modern Warfare player pool as well, since non-owners will have a huge download size. New players will need to download an 80-100GB download, while MW players can get the mode with a 15-22GB one.

The new mode will be available at 8 AM PT for owners, and 12 PM PT for non-owners. This follows weeks of are, previous leaks that suggested lots of now-confirmed details, including the gulag to fight your way back into contention if you die during the match. Check out screenshots of the new mode to get an even better idea of what’s in store.

Kompletter Artikel: Here's The Call Of Duty: Warzone Battle Royale Map

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