In this latest edition of Designer’s Notes, we’ll go into detail about the balancing changes that’ll come with the Y8S4 Update and give you some insight into the reasons behind them.


Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an Operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.

Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator’s Win Deltas per Bomb Site.





  • Fuse system: Removed ability to cook the grenade. Added fuse time reduction after the first bounce.
  • Initial fuse time: 4 seconds (from 5).
  • Reduced fuse time: 2 seconds.

We want to bring down the power level of the Frag Grenade to be in line with all the other Secondary Gadgets. Like all the others, it should be a weaker version of a Primary Gadget, such as the Hard Breach Charge for the Hard Breachers or the Bulletproof Camera for the Intel Gatherers. The secondary utility should not compete with or drive more attention than the main ability of an Operator. This change will put the spotlight back on Operators’ abilities, and we will have more margin to make them excel in their roles.

We also want to increase the population of Frag Grenades, so more operators can get them without severely affecting their presence. We won’t keep this utility as limited as it is right now forever because it conflicts with our intention to give as many options as possible to players to foster creativity.

To that end, we will remove the ability to cook grenades. This change removes a skill component when using them, but this aspect has been identified as the main reason why they are too powerful. Player ability can turn Frag Grenades into a better version of most operator abilities. Skilled players have reached a level that even ignores the correct counters for grenades, by killing defenders from below without warning.

We have not taken this decision lightly because of its impact on the skill ceiling when learning and mastering the use of Frag Grenades. We have adopted the fuse system from the Stun Grenade which means that the fuse time will be reduced to 2 seconds after the first Bounce (if the time is higher), so you’ll still retain some control over the gadget. Reducing that skill ceiling is our last resort when tweaking a gadget, as we generally aim for the opposite.

We have tested multiple ideas looking for the right solution for the Frag Grenade’s power level while keeping its identity intact. Here are a few of the changes we explored but ultimately did not implement:

  • Damage through surfaces: Here, we wanted to fix the competitive issue with a direct approach. We tested several options, from only reducing the damage below the lethal threshold to completely removing it along with the destruction. This solved the usage from the floor below against operators, but it didn’t affect their power level for the majority of the population, so we wouldn’t be able to give them to more operators.
  • Non-lethal: The most appealing aspect is the lethality, so we tried to reduce it directly. We tested reducing the base damage to non-lethal, so you’d have to land several Frag Grenades to kill your target. Not being able to guarantee the kill with a single throw achieved most of our objectives, but it also destroyed part of gadget’s personality.
  • Reduce amount: We evaluated reducing the amount to only 1 per operator to see if it was enough to make the other options more appealing. Unfortunately, this change made them too binary; we only removed the ability to try again if you missed the target. If you were accurate, you could still achieve the same results, and this potential was deemed enough to favor selecting a single Frag Grenade over any other gadget.
  • Random fuse time: With this prototype, we tried to add a bit of uncertainty to discourage players from cooking the grenades too accurately. They are super dangerous, so it is not a device you should want around when the detonation mechanism is triggered. We changed the fuse time to be between 3 and 5 seconds. This version achieved several of our goals because the players weren’t as accurate with them as they were with the live version and gave defenders time to react, which made them more interactive. But despite being a fun prototype, adding more randomness into the game while we are trying to remove it from other areas didn’t convince us.




  • Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades.


  • Damage: 43hp (from 47).
  • Stronger vertical and horizontal recoil.

Finally, IQ gets Frag Grenades back. We will see if she can keep them depending on the power level of the new version and how her having them affects other interactions in the game. She is an intel gatherer, and her intel can help attackers use resources and time more efficiently. We don’t want her increased utility to overshadow the team play.

We love her relationship with the EMP Impact Grenade. Having her on the team avoids putting drones in danger or wasting EMPs trying to hit an electricity source. She can also help the team use anti-utility gadgets more efficiently by seeing which ones are protected. She can find electronic gadgets that are normally hard to locate and track enemies using them.

Because of the increased utility and versatility, we must reduce the 552 Commando’s fire power. We will reduce its damage to make the Extended Barrel combo weaker. With the new damage, 1-armor operators will take 3 bullets instead of 2 to get downed. We’ve also made its recoil more challenging to control, which will bring it in line with other Assault Rifles.

IQ is a team player. She helps the team be more efficient and is one of the best representations of the essence of Siege.



  • Secondary Weapons: Removed Gonne-6.
  • Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades, Removed EMP Impact Grenades.

Lion and Frag Grenades were previously incompatible as the EE-ONE-D forces defenders to stay still giving the defender no options against a cooked grenade.

We are reconsidering his candidacy now because of the new synergy with the detonation system. The new Frag Grenade will force targets to move instead of killing them right away, pushing defenders into the EE-ONE-D’s detection. The defender will have to think fast to evaluate the different options and decide the best course of action.

We are swapping them for the EMP Impact Grenades because they are the least picked option, and of course, removing the Gonne-6.



  • Secondary Weapons: Removed Gonne-6.
  • Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades.

You must master the R.O.U. Projector and the new Frag Grenade to make use of Sens’ full potential. They have the ability to block multiple lines of sight, pressure enemies out of strong positions, and even force them to cross the light screens. This will increase Sens’ skill ceiling even more.

Sens has a projectile as their main ability, and it goes against a rule we broke with Gridlock in Y8S3.3 (allowing both a throwable unique ability and Frag Grenades). We will test if this rule should remain in place with the updated Frag Grenade, or if it allows more flexibility with the distribution.



  • Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades. Removed Smoke Grenades.

The new Frag Grenades will replace Osa’s Smoke Grenades, as it was her least picked secondary gadget option (only 15% of the rounds).

Osa allows attackers to create a setup, something that was exclusive for defenders until she arrived. She approaches the assault in a more methodical way, gaining terrain from defenders, but she cannot do it without help. This makes her a good candidate for this extra utility, as it is gameplay we want to encourage, but she still has good synergy with all the other secondary options, so we hope all of them will remain interesting.



  • Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades. Removed EMP Impact Grenades.

Blackbeard is the last attacker receiving Frag Grenades. His low presence made him an easy selection and since the Claymore is still a good option, we hope choosing between the two isn’t easy or at least depends on the way you intend to play the round.



We have decided to give Capitão EMP Impact Grenades to compensate for their removal from other operators and make choosing between him and Osa a bit tougher. Having Hard Breach Charges and EMPs to choose from can allow him to fit into more attacking compositions.



  • Secondary Gadgets: Added EMP Impact Grenades. Removed Breach Charges.


  • Damage: 43hp (from 47)
  • Stronger vertical and horizontal recoil.

We are pretty happy with the results of all of Grim’s buffs. Unfortunately, he shares the 552 Commando with IQ, so the changes made to it will also affect him. To compensate for that, and recoup some of the EMP Impact Grenades removed, he will also get them, replacing the Breach Charges. We believe it is a fair exchange; losing some frag potential but gaining flexibility now with the Bailiff 410 for soft destruction.



  • The bulletproof glass will be shattered if a Drilling Projectile explodes successfully after drilling into it.
  • This change affects all bulletproof glass: Black Mirror Window, Evil Eye, Talon Shield, Bulletproof Camera, Deployable Shield.


  • The Breaching Round is considered a Drilling Projectile.


  • The V-Lance is considered a Drilling Projectile.
  • Note that the V-Lance doesn’t drill through gadgets; it only drills through surfaces (the Black Mirror Window is considered part of the wall).

Mira is a game-changing operator. If you spot her during the Preparation Phase, you know that something will have to change in the way you execute the attack. We love the effect she has in game, but we believe the reason for her high ban rate is purely strategic. You don’t want to deal with her in situations where she alone defines the pace of the round.

We introduced the Shattered Glass system back in Y6S3 to give attackers more ways to deal with the Black Mirror Windows and penalize bad usage. We are very happy with the results, so we are going to expand that system by adding new sources, so attackers have more flexibility when spotting a Mira.

We have defined a new projectile category; "Drilling projectiles". These projectiles drill into the surface they impact to apply their effect. They’ll explode from the inside of the surface to deal more damage and will now shatter bulletproof glass. For instance, if Ash’s Breaching Round sticks to the Black Mirror glass and explodes successfully, the glass will be shattered.



  • Main Ability: 3 Evil Eyes (from 2)


  • Battery: 6 seconds (from 5)
  • Overheat: 6 seconds (from 5)

Maestro has been indirectly nerfed repeatedly since the release and introduction of new systems (Shattered Glass, Outside Cameras), new operators (Flores, Brava), new gadgets (Gonne-6, EMP Impact Grenades), and tweaks to operators (Dokkaebi) and now again with the increased population of Frag Grenades. Because of all this and the current meta, his presence has understandably gone down to be one of the least-picked defenders.

The changes to Evil Eyes should make attackers treat them with more respect. The new battery will allow Maestro to kill 1-armor operators with a single turret and down 2 to 3-armor operators. Increasing the number of Evil Eyes to 3 will increase his flexibility, requiring at least two operators with the proper secondary utility to deal with all of Maestro’s utility, helping him become the master of intel that he should be.



We feel confident about the Quick Match changes introduced last season. The faster match time provides players a much faster paced experience. Attacker Vanguard allows players a safer approach to the action and Pre-Setups let defenders play fast without having to forfeit the strategic element of reinforcements.

Having said that, we are aware of the community’s concerns regarding the new playlist ecosystem, and we realize that we made changes to the Standard mode before having the completed map pool available in Quick Match. Therefore, we are making the Standard map pool the same as Ranked while we dedicate our efforts to adding all the maps back to Quick Match as soon as possible. Once the map pool is completed, we will allocate some time to revisit Standard’s map pool and provide more options for players to enjoy the maps that they want. We are working on a proposal to bring back player agency by allowing you to enjoy Standard’s map pool with some control over it.


  • Hereford Base
  • Plane
  • Presidential Plane
  • Yacht
  • Fortress
  • Emerald Plains
  • Stadium
  • NightHaven
  • Lair


  • Oregon
  • Club House
  • Consulate
  • Bank
  • Kanal
  • Chalet
  • Kafe Dostoyevsky
  • Border
  • Skyscraper
  • Coastline
  • Themepark
  • Villa
  • Outback
  • Emerald Plains
  • NightHaven
  • Lair

Follow us and share your feedback on Twitter and Reddit.

Kompletter Artikel: Y8S4 DESIGNER'S NOTES


Every season when we roll out fresh content, we also provide an updated Roadmap to ensure transparency on upcoming features. When making those adjustments, we take various elements into account, including your feedback. Furthermore, we aim to offer additional insight into what you can anticipate from the upcoming Operation.

Now let’s delve into the mid-season Roadmap update.


  • Status: Confirmed for Y8S4

Y8S4 will bring an exciting addition to the Rainbow Six Siege map lineup. We have been building a new map on the foundation of verticality with carefully designed layouts and fresh avenues for strategic possibilities like never before! Make sure to watch the Y8S4 reveal panel to discover more!


  • Status: Confirmed for Y8S4

This season will keep on delivering with the incorporation of a new versus AI Playlist tailored to let new players sharpen their skills against specially AI trained Defender bots to become the best operator they can be. Practice, strategize, and dominate like never before in this dynamic training environment.

  • Status: BETA confirmed during Y8S4

Shields have been part of Siege since the beginning and have sometimes seemed unbalanced with the current playstyles. As a game striving for tactical depth, we’re committed to integrating shields seamlessly into gameplay without compromising immersion. We have been working on this strategy from the ground up, redesigning ballistic shields while retaining a unique playstyle which is both balanced and immersive. Brace yourselves for the first iteration of this revamped mechanism, available later during Y8S4 on the Lab TS.

  • Status: Confirmed for Y8S4

We are actively working on improving our players’ comfort on consoles. In Y8S4, we will be providing an easy way to completely customize your controller inputs. This long-requested feature is dedicated to ensuring it answers all our console players’ needs. Taking your feedback into account, we will also implement a new action to allow leaning while hip-firing on Consoles later in the season!


  • Status: Confirmed for Y8S4

As announced in the last Siege Classified: Balancing, Frag Grenades have risen to an overpowered position in the current meta. They currently heavily influence Operator choices, tilting the balance between primary and secondary gadgets in an unbalanced way. With our commitment to providing the best FPS competitive experience, we have thoroughly examined Frag Grenades and rebalanced their impact to be more in line with all the other Secondary Gadgets. More information on this balancing change will be shared during the reveal panel, so everyone can have a blast playing Siege, so stay tuned!

  • Status: Coming in Y9

Ranked is the most popular competitive mode in Siege. Hence, it’s no surprise that it’s always in our line of sight in terms of priority, ensuring that players can enjoy a balanced competitive experience, both with and against similarly skilled players. We are committed to making sure Ranked is a fair environment and are adding more Ranked requirements to reinforce the core experience.

  • Status: Cancelled

The work required to deliver Privacy Mode on consoles has brought up external challenges that came up late in the process. As well as this, new privacy features have been made available inside of the console ecosystem itself. For this reason, we’ve made the tough decision to stop the development of this feature on consoles specifically for the time being.

As you know, Player Protection remains a top priority, and we are committed to improving your experience and making Siege an even safer and fairer game to play on consoles. Discover more on our plans in the coming weeks.


Stay tuned for the upcoming Year 8 Season 4 Reveal coming on November 12th and join the discussion on Twitter, {LINK REMOVED}Instagram, Reddit, {LINK REMOVED}Discord, {LINK REMOVED}Facebook, and {LINK REMOVED}TikTok.

Check out the {LINK REMOVED}public Roadmap for more information on the changes coming your way!


Tune in for the Blast R6 Atlanta Major, starting Oct 31 to Nov 12!

With the last BLAST R6 Major of 2023 on the horizon, all eyes are firmly fixed on Atlanta as the battle for the trophy is set to get underway. The world’s best Rainbow Six Siege esports team will head to Atlanta, Georgia, USA in the coming days to compete for the title, their share of the USD $750,000 total prize pool and a chance to finish the year on a high. Here’s all you need to know about the event.
Follow the latest results and the matches calendar on R6esports.com

Watch the action live on https://www.twitch.tv/rainbow6


  • Phase 1 – Play-In: October 31 to November 1 – not open to public.
  • Phase 2 – Playoffs: November 3 to November 7 – not open to public.
  • Phase 3 – Finals: November 10 to November 12 – open to the public at the Gas South Arena, Atlanta

Venue: Gas South Arena

Tickets are available here to purchase: http://www.axs.com/series/19003/blast-r6-major-atlanta-gas-south-arena-tickets?skin=gassouthdistrict


Phase 1: October 31 to November 1

Here are the 16 teams qualified for Phase 1 of the BLAST R6 Major Atlanta:

The 16 teams will compete in 4 groups of 4 in a GSL groups format:

This phase will be played across 2 days with a combination of Bo1 and Bo3 for elimination matches. The top two teams from each group will move forward into Phase 2 of the BLAST R6 Major Atlanta.

Phase 2: November 3 to November 7

Phase 2 will feature 16 teams, the 8 teams that have directly qualified through their regional programs and the 8 teams that battled their way through Phase 1.

Here are the 8 teams already qualified for Phase 2 of the Major:

Phase 2 will run for 5 days and will follow a Swiss tournament format, with matches played in a combination of Bo1 and Bo3 for elimination matches. After each match during this phase, teams move on to play against teams that have the same win/loss ratio, until only 8 teams remain.

The 8 surviving teams from Phase 2 will move on to Phase 3.

Phase 3: November 10 to November 12

Phase 3 will take place in front of a live audience at the Gas South Arena. The top 8 teams so far in the competition will face off in a Bo3 single elimination bracket.

The Grand Final will be a Bo5 match to decide the champions of the BLAST R6 Major Atlanta.



The BLAST R6 Major Atlanta will feature online Watch Parties. Stay tuned on Twitter at @R6esports for more information on the list of selected streamers and content creators broadcasting the event.


Tune in on our channels and earn Twitch Drops for the Blast R6 Major Atlanta! There will be no duplicates and viewers will earn Battle Pass points for the currently active Battle Pass instead.

Packs will drop accordingly:

  • Phase 1
    • From October 31 to November 1, viewers can earn 1 pack after 3 hours of watch time, with a max cap of 1 pack per day.
  • Phase 2
    • From November 3 to November 7, viewers can earn 1 pack after 3 hours of watch time, with a max cap of 1 pack per day.
  • Phase 3
    • On November 10, viewers can earn 1 pack after 3 hours of watch time, with a max cap of 1 pack on that day.
    • On November 11, viewers can earn 1 pack after 3 hours of watch time, with a max cap of 1 pack on that day.
    • On November 12, viewers can earn 1 pack after 1 hour of watch time, and a second pack after 3 hours of watch time, with a max cap of 2 packs on this day.

Here are the details on how to redeem them:

Register your account by heading over to https://drops-register.ubi.com and link your Twitch account to your Ubisoft account. You will then be prompted to opt into the drops feature. Please make sure that your account is linked before you tune in to the broadcast.


Don’t miss anything about the upcoming BLAST R6 Major Atlanta by following us on Twitter, Instagram and on our website.

Kompletter Artikel: Tune in for the Blast R6 Atlanta Major, starting Oct 31 to Nov 12!


From October 13th to November 3rd, the haunted return to the Doktor’s Castle as the Hunters begin their hunt for the horrific Monsters. This year, new Hunters are joining the roster of horrors to fuel your twisted nightmares! Step into the abyss and slay every damned Monster this Halloween in *Doktor’s Curse 4: Night of the Hunters!* Will you survive the horrors that await, or become just another victim in this dark tale?


Ready to terrify your opponents with a nightmare version of your favorite Operator? Fear not, you can find all the previous and new Operators in the Doktor’s Curse Collection, including uniforms, headgear, weapon skins, and Operator Card Portraits. For true fans of terror, a Signature Pack is also available with an exclusive drone skin and weapon skin for the 556 XI.

All Doktor’s Curse bundles will be available for 1680 R6 Credits or via the collection packs at 300 R6 Credits (12,500 Renown) each. If you connect to the game during the event, you will also receive one Collection Pack for free, and additional ones when completing weekly challenges.


Both teams do not have access to firearms of any kind in this game mode. The Hunters only have a modified version of Sledge’s Hammer and unique abilities to track the Monsters. Monsters cannot attack Hunters directly but have access to traps and abilities as well. Hunters win if they hunt down all the Monsters while the Monsters take the round if they survive the night!


In Doktor’s curse, the deadliest game of hide and seek ensues between the Hunters (Attackers) and the Monsters (Defenders). Returning Operators from last year, alongside a rebalanced Oryx, are joined by newcomers Dokkaebi and Nøkk with their own exclusive accursed cosmetic bundles. As a special surprise this year, Iana will also have her own exclusive Doktor’s Curse bundle for a limited time too!

In this fast-paced chase of terror, Hunters are equipped with hammers while Monsters have access to the Nightstride ability, granting temporary invisibility with increased movement speed along with their traps. Nightstride has a cooldown effect and may only be used three times by a player during a round. This year one of the Hunters also will have this ability to keep the chase frantic so keep watching your six while running!


Kompletter Artikel: DOKTOR'S CURSE 4



See the upcoming changes to Rainbow Six Siege with the release of Y8S3.3.


  • Operators who fall onto a Welcome Mat will be able to remove it from their leg by themselves or with the help of a teammate.
  • Operators who fall onto a Welcome Mat are considered downed. R6 allows a player to be in downed only once per round, if they have been downed already, they will be eliminated if they fall onto a Welcome Mat.
  • If Operators remove the trap without the help of a teammate, a debuff will be applied to them for 60 seconds with these effects:
    • Move 20% slower and can’t sprint.
    • Leave a trail of blood behind.
    • Health is set to 20, same health you get after standing up from being downed.


  • Armor: 3 (from 2)
  • Speed: 1 (from 2)


  • Gadgets: Frag Grenades will replace Breach Charges.
  • Secondary Weapon: Removed Gonne-6.


  • Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades as 3rd option.
  • Secondary Weapon: Removed Gonne-6.


  • Gadgets: Stun Grenades will replace Frag Grenades.
  • Secondary Weapon: Added Gonne-6.

POF-9 (PC & Console)

  • Reduced vertical recoil.
  • Reduced lateral recoil.
  • Reduced recoil increase after long bursts.


  • Damage: Increase to 60 (from 49)



Some parts of the player’s saved profile will now be shared across all platforms, including:

  • Visual customizations.
  • Common gameplay options.
  • Progression.
  • Matchmaking preferences.

Additionally, Operator loadouts and equipped weapon attachments will be shared across console platforms, but not between consoles and PC.



FIXED – Gadget deployment detection is inconsistent on reinforced walls.

FIXED – All players receive the deactivated VFX for electronic devices when Fenrir is affected by an EMP.

FIXED – Black screen encountered after eliminating Iana when she uses Gemini Replicator.

FIXED – Mira’s Black Mirror is removed when interacting with Ram’s BU-GI.


FIXED – Operators can vault on the statue on the 1F Spiral Stairs in the Consulate map.

FIXED – Ace’s first S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher fails to detonate the second time if thrown on the destructible wall that leads to 1F Emergency Exit in the Consulate map.

FIXED – Incorrect compass location is displayed at 4F Cockpit on the Yacht map.

FIXED – Users can skip part of the Attack tutorial by vaulting over the sandbags located at SW EXT Street.


FIXED – Ram’s BU-GI is shown in the wrong direction when throwing it while upside down in rappel.

FIXED – Ram’s BU-GI sticks on wall if deployed while crouching.


FIXED – Incorrect PC directory name used for the game settings file that is saved in the user’s My Documents.


FIXED – Overlapping audio is played during the kill cam.

FIXED – Missing audio lines when the Preparation Phase timer is running out.

FIXED – Aruni’s Surya Gate and gadget SFX cannot be heard through walls.

Kompletter Artikel: Y8S3.3 PATCH NOTES



In this latest edition of Designer’s Notes, we’ll go into detail about the balancing changes that’ll come with the Y8S3.3 Update and give you some insight into the reasons behind them.


Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an Operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.

Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator’s Win Deltas per Bomb Site.




An earlier iteration of these changes was released on the Lab Test Server and two main lines of feedback were identified from the community:

Players don’t want to lose the ability to bait extra attackers into reviving the victim trapped in the Welcome Mat.
Players are afraid that these changes will make the game more run & gun oriented.
We have heard your feedback and made some tweaks aimed to tackle these issues:

Teammate Revive: Players caught in the Welcome Mat can choose to wait for a teammate to perform the revive, if they do so, they will not receive the debuff when leaving the trap. This should grant Frost opportunities to hunt teammates willing to help trapped players while attackers are rewarded for playing as a team.
Stronger Debuff: In addition to not being able to sprint we’ve added a movement speed reduction of 20% and increased the duration of the effect to 1 minute. This will cripple the run & gun capabilities of reckless players that separate from their teams and fall into Welcome Mats.
Slower Revive Animation: Trapped players will now need 4 seconds to exit the trap regardless of the revive method. This should grant extra time for defenders to finish off trapped enemies before they can stand up.

  • Welcome Mat Removal by Teammate takes 4 seconds (was 4.3 seconds). No debuff applied.
  • Welcome Mat Removal by Self takes 4 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
  • If players remove the trap by themselves, a debuff will be applied to them. The effects are as follow:
  • Duration is 60 seconds (Was 20 seconds on the Lab Test Server).
  • Will move 20% slower
  • Won’t be able to sprint.
  • Will leave a trail of blood behind them.
  • Health is set to 20 hp.
  • Being caught by a Welcome Mat is considered entering the Down But Not Out state. R6 allows DBNO only once per round, this means players that have already been DBNO will immediately die if they fall into a Frost trap.

We have two main objectives with this set of changes, the first is to make the placement of Welcome Mats more strategic and less "deploy and forget." The second is to make being caught by Welcome Mats less frustrating by giving more options to players.

Players will have now two options to escape from a Welcome Mat, they can wait for a Teammate to help them, or they can release from the trap by themselves at the cost of receiving a penalty with several negative effects that will impact their movement speed.


As mentioned in the Y8S3 Designer’s Notes, the next few changes are in preparation for a more definitive solution that intends to address the Frag Grenades issue.



  • Gadgets: Stun Grenades will replace Frag Grenades.
  • Secondary Weapon: Added Gonne-6.

Iana has been the top Attacker for almost a year since we removed Frag Grenades from Finka and changed Sledge’s and Zofia’s armor rates. It is time for a change that leaves more space for other Operators to excel. We are replacing the Frag Grenades with Stun Grenades to retain Iana’s aggressive playstyle and adding the Gonne-6 to keep a bit of her destructive power.



  • Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades as 3rd option.
  • Secondary Weapon: Removed Gonne-6.

We needed to add another ‘competitive’ operator to replace Iana during this transition period. We already know that Finka is a good fit and could take this spot. Now that the LMG-meta has been adjusted, we believe that she can have Frag Grenades again.

She won’t keep the Gonne-6 however, as the combination of it and Frag Grenades will be limited to special cases.



  • Reduced vertical recoil.
  • Reduced lateral recoil.
  • Reduced recoil increase after long bursts

We believe that Sens is an operator with great potential, but it looks like they’ll need a push to shine. We made them a 1-Armor and 3-Speed operator back in Y7S4, and softened the POF-9 recoil for Gamepad in Y7S3, but that wasn’t enough. Operator weapons have a lot of weight on their performance, so we are taking a second look at the POF-9, but this time for both Mouse and Gamepad.

This weapon has been considered challenging to operate for a long time, and we’ve decided to soften its recoil. With this change we are aiming to have a weapon that feels way more forgiving to use. This should allow players to perform better with the POF-9 at longer distances and grant them more freedom to pick its weapon attachments.



  • Damage: Increase to 60 (from 49)

Despite the high damage, the time to kill is much higher than average regardless of enemy armor because of the low rate of fire. We never increased it because we didn’t want to go lower than 3 bullets to down a player with any automatic weapon, but the recent changes on the Extended Barrel have proven that this is fine for certain operators.

So, with this change, the DP27 will be closer to other weapons with higher rates of fire in terms of time to kill a full health operator, especially against high-speed operators.

  • 1-armor: 0.218ms (faster than average)
  • 2-armor: 0.218ms (faster than average)
  • 3.-armor: 0.327ms (slower than average)



  • Armor: 3 (from 2)
  • Speed: 1 (from 2)

We changed Warden to 2-Armor and 2-Speed by the end of Y4 to increase his mobility and allow him to react faster to the Attacking team. With the evolution of the game, and defenders playing more loosely than back then we will drop his speed to reduce his roaming capabilities.

We believe the 1.5x on the MPX, synergizes well with his kit to counter Smokes from far away, so rather than change that we are going to reduce his speed. He will be slower and louder while running around the map, which will make him an easier target to take down by more coordinated teams.

We want to encourage players to play him closer to the site, where he can use his ability more effectively because flashes and smokes are easier to predict. He should be a critical operator to keep alive until the end of the round because can counter most of the attacking strategies. He shouldn’t be the one to go for roaming and dying too early.

Follow us and share your feedback on Twitter and Reddit.

Kompletter Artikel: Y8S3.3 DESIGNER’S NOTES

Rainbow Six Siege X Halo Crossover Brings Master Chief Set for Sledge

It’s time to siege the day and finish the fight as Rainbow Six Siege introduces a new Halo crossover featuring an Elite set for Sledge that outfits him in the armor of the Master Chief. Included in the set are the Spartan-117 headgear and uniform inspired by the Master Chief’s armor in Halo Infinite, as well as a gadget skin that reimagines Sledge’s breaching hammer as a Banished Gravity Hammer. There are weapon skins for Sledge’s primary (M590A1 shotgun and L825A2 assault rifle) and secondary (P226 MK25 pistol) weapons, as well as Operator cards, a victory celebration, and the Cortana Chibi charm. The Elite set can be purchased with R6 credits and is available now in the in-game store.

Kompletter Artikel: Rainbow Six Siege X Halo Crossover Brings Master Chief Set for Sledge