Schlagwort-Archive: auto-imported


Between October 25th and October 31st, House is getting a spooky facelift. During this event, you will be able to play through the "Mad House" playlist, with a selection of 10 Operators + everyone’s favorite Recruit.

In addition to the 1 free pack that players who log in during this event will receive, there are Club Challenges available for additional Crimsonveil Collection packs! You will be able to obtain two more packs through this Club Challenge. In order to complete these challenges, you will need 30, and 60, kills in the Mad House playlist.

The Crimsonveil Collection itself will contain 22 items, with no duplicates. They will be available from October 25th through November 5th.







Kompletter Artikel: IT’S A MAD HOUSE!

Y3S3 Designer’s Notes: Mid-Season

The “Designer’s Notes” series will provide you with insight into our Balancing team’s thoughts on Operator balancing around the middle of each Season. These will come after we have reviewed the data and feedback from the new Operators, and changes made with the latest Season. We are hosting an AMA on our subreddit starting at 2:00pm EDT (October 23rd). After reading these changes, please head here to ask your questions!

We utilize data and player feedback to make decisions on adjustments. With that in mind, we wanted to share some of the data they have been looking at for our various Operators. The following charts plot the power (Win Delta) and popularity (Pick Rate) of the Operators on Attack and Defense. The Win Delta is the average win ratio when an Operator is picked minus the average win ratio when an Operator is not picked.



Upcoming Changes


  • Reduced weapon swapping speed between CCE Shield and Sidearm
  • Delay before refilling charge after usage ends increased to 2 seconds, from 1 second
  • Attackers regain full mobility after 0.5 seconds, down from 1.5 seconds, after being shocked

We do recognize that Clash is currently not performing well in terms of Win Delta, and these changes may lead people to believe that we are nerfing an already underpowered Operator. We have made these changes to refocus Clash to fulfill the function that she was originally intended to perform, and do not anticipate a major impact on general Ranked usage or strength.

The swapping speed change is more of a bug fix than a balancing change. We had never intended for her swapping speed to be that fast from a design standpoint. When players would immediately ADS, they would skip the “equip” animation for the sidearm, and therefore significantly reduce the equip time. We also increased the amount of time it takes to put the CCE Shield on her back, further increasing the amount of time it takes to switch to a weapon. Our design intention is that she should be able to swap to a side arm outside of a gun fight or behind cover, but not be as lethal as she is currently.

The issue with the current state of the delay in the refill charge, and the reduction in the amount of time it takes for Attackers to regain full mobility is that it led to players being able to use her shock in short bursts to keep Attackers slowed for too long. On the topic of regaining mobility more quickly, this will also allow Attackers to move around a corner and escape without Clash being able to chase them down and continue shocking them. The goal of these changes is to lower frustration, and further empower our Attackers in their ability to manage encounters with Clash.

Ultimately, we believe that this will further drive the idea that Clash is reliant on teammates, as opposed to an Operator than can exist completely independently. She is not intended to be able to hold half of the map by herself, and will now require the proper support from teammates to do so.


  • ALDA 5.56 recoil aligned with other LMGs

With the ALDA, we took a unique approach to LMG hipfire recoil. His LMG would have reduced recoil the longer it sustained fire without aiming down sights. This led to confusion, and did not play out in the way that we had anticipated. As such, we are removing this recoil style, and will be aligning the ALDA hipfire recoil with how the recoil for our other weapons acts.


  • Reducing recoil to improve handling

Following the weapon sight misalignment fix that came with Operation Grim Sky, we saw that it has had a significant impact on Smoke and Mira. As such, we are tweaking the recoil value on the SMG-11 to give Smoke a bit more viability when using this weapon.


  • Reducing recoil to improve handling

Following the weapon sight misalignment fix that came with Operation Grim Sky, we saw that it has had a significant impact on Smoke and Mira. As such, we are tweaking the recoil value on the Vector to improve the firepower that Mira is able to bring to the table.

Current Status

Lion continues to be problematic for us at higher level play. We have a designer that is currently testing a pair of separate possible short-term solutions. One adjustment would remove the intel gathering aspect of his gadget, or we may go with the other, which will trigger more of a Jackal style ping. This is still very early on in testing and production, and will have more details to share once these changes have gone through some feedback sessions.

Much like Lion, we are not happy with Glaz in his current state. We are trying to move away from his role as one of the best “site pushing” Operators, supported by his own Smoke Grenades. We want to bring him closer to the original idea of a sniper, holding a line of sight with a high powered rifle. This one is also early on in production, but is a bit more promising. Much like the Lion change, we will be performing additional play tests internally (with Pro players), and plan to share more details in a future Test Server or Designer’s Notes entry as it draws closer to going live.

To ensure that your questions from these changes are answered, our balancing team will be participating in an AMA on our subreddit starting at 2:00pm EDT, October 23rd. Feel free to ask them your questions here! We look forward to seeing you there.

Balancing Team AMA.

Kompletter Artikel: Y3S3 Designer’s Notes: Mid-Season

Y3S3.1 Patch Notes

The first patch after the season launches is generally a much lighter patch. As such, you will not see the same level of fixes as a Season launch. Patch Y3S3.1 deploys on PC on Tuesday, September 18th, and console to follow later in the week.


The team killing penalty for a first offense will be adjusted from a kick to a 30 minute ban. Initially, if a player was team killed in Casual, the offender was kicked from the match. The same situation in Ranked would result in a kick as well, but also triggered an abandon penalty. This was confusing because it seemed as if the team killing punishment was different between Ranked vs Casual.

The new breakdown is as follows:

  • First offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 30 minutes.
  • Second offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 1 hour.
  • Third offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 2 hours.
  • Fourth offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 24 hours.
  • Fifth offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 7 days.



Fixed – [PC][XB1] Cannot use melee for a short while after using prone.
Fixed – Players are able to take the defuser through the walls.
Fixed – Throwing C4 on an electrified wall will not destroy the nitro cell on contact.


Fixed – The bullet casings are ejected forwards when firing the AR-15.50 weapon.

Fixed – Clash’s Shield can be deployed while crouched.
Fixed – Clash’s CCE shield can clip in the arm and clip in the pistol.
Fixed – Clash is able to fire her gun before weapon appears on screen.
Fixed – In the loadout menu charms are not equipped in the same place as during a session for Clash’s CCE Shield.
Fixed – When a player is killed by the CCE shield, the generic death icon is displayed instead of the taser shield.
Fixed – [PC][XB1] Clash’s CCE shield is clips through partially broken barricades when rotating.

Fixed – If the attackers drop the defuser, Smoke can move it by throwing his gadget on it.


Fixed – Players are able to throw gadgets outside during the prep phase via the floor of 2F Bathroom.


Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail icon and preview for Buck’s Grim Sky BDU.
Fixed – Non-purchased items have the ‘set as active’ option.
Fixed – Error message present in the pop-up modal when 2SV is active.
Fixed – Pressing enter multiple times while the title is loading will cause the title to start a situation with the 2SV pop-up still on the screen.
Fixed – All the Six Major Paris Charms appear with a placeholder model.

Kompletter Artikel: Y3S3.1 Patch Notes

Goodbye Para Bellum

Thank you to everyone who shared their favorite Para Bellum memories with us last Friday. The love you have shown for Operation Para Bellum was outstanding, and you have made it something truly special.

We may have said goodbye to Para Bellum, but it will be remembered through all the stories, fanart, videos, cosplays, and plays you all have created and shared – so we’ve picked a few of our favorites to share.

Originally posted by @Gary87_:

My favourite moment would be playing Para Bellum with my daughter and friends, she’s only 10 and managed to be top of the team most games and won us rounds. #prouddad moments.

Originally posted by @Rain_skullboy:

As simple as this may sound, because of this game I made a lot of really good friends. And for that I’d like to thank you guys.

Originally posted by @lightingmike09:

I just have to say amazing season. I was so excited when i heard the new ops were gonna be italian and that one had holographic clones and camera that shoots lasers […] my skill for this game has really increased during operation para bellum. Goodbye Operation Para Bellum

Originally posted by @Keefyboi:

I got my first Ace during Parabellum. In fact it’s been my most successful season when it come to the impact I’ve had during matches. This season has been where the game has really started to pick up for me on enjoyment 🙂

Originally posted by @HAXposed:

Nothing too special. it’s all about improving, having fun and making friends. Siege brought great people into my life, again. so thank you.

Originally posted by u/Jynn05:

Meeting some online friends that I play ranked with now! Also the times I clutch a round in those matches.

From Left to Right

Originally posted by @SAU-SIEGE:

Thank you for giving Recruit a friend.

Originally posted by @Pericote9:

Evil eye the best this season.

Originally posted by @keyholestyle:

Did wallpaper of Maestro. Also Alibi and one portrait detailed of Maestro. Para Bellum is probably my fav season so far…

Originally posted by @Dulcamarra:

Thank you for the new troll queen in town!

From Left to Right

Originally posted by @killimaze:

Para Bellum gave us Maestro, and learning how to play him was an absolute blast! I also tried to support NA with some of my cosplay pictures!

Originally posted by @Aspira_cosplay (with @Detaleader):

One of the reasons why I loved Para Bellum is that it gave us two wonderful characters, Maestro and Alibi. @Detaleader and I had tons of fun representing them at Six Major Paris and Gamescom. Thank you, Team Rainbow.

Originally posted by @MiloshTheMedic:

Thank you for creating Maestro, it allowed me to look like this 30 minutes after his reveal…Para Bellum was good, now time for Grim Sky to shake it up.

Originally posted by @giannitoarlie:

Cosplaying as Jäger during Operation Parabellum.

Originally posted by u/inspektor71:

Definitely j00nas with the triple Cav kill and interrogation in the Paris Major against EG. Unreal play and the crowd went wild.

Originally posted by @Get_Flanked:

It was at this moment I knew Para Bellum was going to be a fun season!

Originally posted by u/Soapigeon:

Pulling off the Alibi trick where you stand on one of your projectors.

Para Bellum may be over, but it is time for a new start in Grim Sky – we hope to make just as many, if not more, amazing memories with you all this season. GLHF!

Kompletter Artikel: Goodbye Para Bellum

Operation Grim Sky: Patchnotes

For Operation Grim Sky, Rainbow Six is deploying Clash and Maverick. Experts in mob behavior and high-precision strikes respectively, they’ll also assess the new training facilities at the reworked Hereford Base. Out with the old and in with the new.

Year Three Season Three is bringing forth modifications to address weapon sights misalignment, an adjustment with the Operator Idle Pick, and improvements to dynamic resolution scaling on consoles. Hatches are also getting a rework which will improve their destruction. Finally, in addition to gameplay and technical fixes, expect a map buff on Consulate.


Joining Rainbow’s Urban Tactical Response Team—codenamed Grim Sky (or GSUTR)—are Maverick from the United States, and Clash from Great Britain.

When the Season launches, Season Pass owners can unlock these new Operators immediately and gain exclusive access for seven days. All players can unlock these Operators with Renown or R6 Credits once those seven days have passed.

“The Devil’s in the details… that’s where you’ll find me.” – Maverick
Maverick enlisted with the U.S. Army and later became an Intelligence Officer, serving in Kabul. He joined The Unit and stayed in the country to gather intel, building networks of allies and safe houses, and to track hostiles.
He was investigating the case of a missing reporter when he himself went MIA. The Unit had no means of communicating with him, then Maverick re-emerged two years later with enough intel to dismantle a major insurgency operation. No one knows what happened to him during those two years, but he’s been seen carrying a D.I.Y. blowtorch ever since, one that can make holes in metal surfaces.
Maverick’s expertise and his list of successful missions became the stuff of legend among Intelligence Collectors. Erik “Maverick” Thorn gained the attention of Rainbow Six.


Maverick’s D.I.Y. blowtorch can breach any surface, including reinforced walls and hatches. It requires a steady hand and knowledge of the environment to create small holes and lines of sight. Maverick must be in close range to use his gadget on the chosen surface. This torch makes almost no sound but it runs out of fuel quickly. Nevertheless, the high precision of this gadget makes it a very creative tool to use hands-on without relying on digital technology. Using the Exothermic-S Torch can be risky but the team can reap high rewards with efficient use and skill.

“Come closer. I dare you.” – Clash
Born and raised in England, Clash is a tough officer who served with the Territorial Support Group, holding the front line during the 2011 London Riots. She earned her spot with the Specialist Firearms Command (SCO19), making herself known within London’s Metropolitan Police Services (MPS).
She’s an expert at devising crowd-control strategies and she even acquired special permission to attend Gold Command meetings. She later made Detective Constable. Her experience, service record and persistence in her line of work got her noticed by Rainbow Six.
Despite her new title as DC at the MPS, she knows she belongs on the front line. This new defender joining Rainbow Six, she’s none other than Morowa “Clash” Evans.


Clash is the first defender with a shield. The CCE Shield is her primary weapon; she can swap to her secondary at any time, but to do so, she needs to put her shield away first. Her bulletproof extendable shield has the ability to slow down opponents by using a high voltage Charged Field Generator (CFG) that emanates directly in front of the shield in a cylindrical shape. Opponents caught in the CFG also sustain low damage over time. Effective use of the shield allows Clash to block entry points, and to prevent or delay a push by the Attackers.


The aim of this Hereford Base Map Rework is to address issues pertaining to the map’s flow, balancing, and visual thematic to make the new Hereford Base viable for competitive play. This is the first map rework for the Development Team, starting with Operation Grim Sky. This map makeover contains many twists and should be treated as a new map: the iconic and recently renovated Hereford Base.

Each floor of the new Hereford Base will have a larger surface area, which also means more destructible floors and walls. New stairs and hatches will be available, allowing for more movement between each floor and increasing the viability of rotations. Players will notice a dramatic change to the room structures, but the map will still feel familiar despite the entirely new layout.

The map’s visual identity and color palette are also getting an update, giving each floor more personality. Players will find a mix of old-school and modern influences, and thematically distinct rooms. However, the map will still retain its “soul,” making multiple nods to the old Hereford Base.

Thanks to your continued support and feedback, the Dev Team collected a good amount of data to perform the required fixes, to balance the map, and to push Hereford Base to the next level.

Give it a whirl on our test server and submit your feedback on R6 Fix.


No matter how cold it gets, Frost has a way of welcoming people. She’s also the best at doing so with a spring loaded trap. No matter the weather, we’re celebrating this JTF2 specialist with a cool elite set.

Elite Frost is ready to face polar climates with her Huntress uniform, victory animation, gadget skin for her Sterling MK2 LHT, and weapon skin for the Super 90, 9mm C1 and MK1 9mm. She’ll also have the Elite Frost Chibi charm.

This set will be available in Frost’s Uniform Section at the launch of Operation Grim Sky.


During Operation Grim Sky, the U.K. holds the spotlight. The seasonal weapon skins are the famous Whitehall 1212, the indomitable spirit of Majesty, the iconic Spitfire, and the royal flair of Sovereign. These will spruce up your loadouts.

The seasonal weapon skins can only be unlocked during Operation Grim Sky. Once unlocked, these skins can be applied to all available weapons and will remain in the player’s inventory.


The sky may look grim but things are looking up on Consulate. The Development Team dusted off some old blueprints and sought ways to improve the map, taking into account both the Attackers’ and Defenders’ perspectives.

The Police Line spawn point will be extended, offering a safer path to the fortified building. As for the Gas Station spawn point, a wall will be moved to prevent spawn peeking and early kills.

We’ve also added a fourth bomb site in Tellers and Archives. Time to revise those strats.

This is the Development Team’s second map buff, the first one being on Club House. Make sure to play on our test server and submit your feedback on R6 Fix.[]

See Consulate Map Buff Video.[]


During Operation Grim Sky, we will make 2-Step Verification a requirement for any PC player to join a Ranked match. This will start with an awareness campaign, followed by the activation of the lock.

The awareness campaign will begin on Day 1 of Year 3 Season 3 and run for approximately 1 month. For those who have not yet activated 2SV, you will receive a notification in game, with steps for how to activate it. Once activated, you will receive an exclusive Thermite bundle. If you already have 2SV activated on your account, you will also receive the exclusive Thermite bundle.

The 2SV requirement for Ranked will be activated during the Season, and we are targeting between Patch 3.1 and Patch 3.2.

All players will be informed of the exact date once it is finalized.


A detailed breakdown of the reasoning behind all balancing changes can be found in our Designer’s Notes: Pre-Season article.[]

EMP Grenades will now temporarily disable cameras instead of destroying them.
Shock Drone will emit slightly more noise.


Hatch Reinforcements will now allow for partial destruction.

Our goal is to deliver less binary destruction for hatches. We have made improvements to how Hatch Reinforcements are handled within the game, and are able to work around some of the blockers that prevented partial destruction from being possible.

If you are not able to select an Operator before the end of the selection phase, you will no longer be a Recruit. You will be a random Operator from the list of Operators you have unlocked, barring any already selected by your teammates.

For those 11 Recruit mains out there, your reign of terror is not over. You will still be able to select a Recruit manually.

We are implementing additional muting functions to allow our players to take more control of their Rainbow Six Siege experience. Players will now be able to mute each player in the game individually. For example, you can mute the text chat of Emilien, the voice chat of Grabriel, text and voice for Craig, and neither for Amelie.

Our recoil system had a flaw affecting automatic weapons that causes bullets to diverge from where the reticle was pointing. This change removes your weapon’s interaction with your Field of View (FOV), and ensures the reticle will always be in the center of your screen.
Please see our published blog article on Weapon Sight Misalignement[] published for further details.

We are introducing dynamic resolution on consoles. The goal is to improve image quality when the GPU load is lighter, and render better framerate in GPU-heavy scenes. As a result, you will experience more consistent performance during gameplay, especially in situations where there are a lot of stress on the GPU, such as with a lot of explosions like Fuze charges.

Here are further details on dynamic resolution on consoles:

• Xbox One outputs at 900p with a render scaling between 40% (1012×572) and 80% (1432×804).
• PS4 outputs at 1080p with a render scaling between 40% (1216×684) and 80% (1720×968).
• Xbox One X outputs at 1728p with a render scaling between 40% (1944×1092) and 100% (3072×1728).
• PS4 Pro outputs at 1440p with a render scaling between 40% (1620×912) and 100% (2560×1440).

With the addition of the reworked Hereford Base map, we will be updating the Ranked and Casual playlists. We will have 12 maps in the Ranked rotation, and 18 in the Casual playlist. All maps will be available in Custom Games.





  • Fixed – Players who join in a game in progress during the action phase will negatively impact the key bindings for the observation tools of teammates.
  • Fixed – Players can sometimes pass through reinforced walls using a deployable shield.
  • Fixed – The framerate drops when going to the tactical map in prep phase.
  • Fixed – Receiving damage while crouching with a shield will result in the weapon wielding hand to clip through the shield.
  • Fixed – Operators clip through barricades. Enabling them to be seen and shot in some cases.
  • Fixed – It is possible to place a barricade or reinforcement while standing far away from the door/wall.
  • Fixed – Longer delay than intended when switching from BOSG 12.2 to secondary weapon.
  • Fixed – The color filter of an observation tool goes away if you are brought to low health while watching in it.
  • Fixed – If the walk option is set to toggle, the player will walk after alt-tabbing.
  • Fixed – It is possible to prone and melee simultaneously with a shield.
  • Fixed – Weapons can clip through the floor if a player goes prone and leans.
  • Fixed – Corrupted animations happen while switching weapons or throwing gadgets in prone.
  • Fixed – Players receive no damage if they rappel into Smoke’s Gas Grenade cloud.
  • Fixed – Kill info is not displayed if the player dies from the gadget of a dead enemy.
  • Fixed – Defuser animation resets when switching views.
  • Fixed – Textures between reinforceable and indestructible walls allow bullets to pass through.


  • Fixed – Players are able to use Shock Batteries on Castle’s Armored Panels using a deployable shield.


  • Fixed – Ice textures cover the Logic Bomb interrupt screen when one is performed while a defender is looking at cameras.


  • Fixed – Tachanka’s LMG shield is inconsistent and players can be shot through it.
  • Fixed – After rapidly switching between his gadgets and weapons, Tachanka will look broken on 3rd person when mounting his Mounted LMG.


  • Fixed – The reload animation of the BOSG 12.2 is incorrect.


  • Fixed – GU mines will get triggered if they are placed beneath a reinforced hatch.


  • Fixed – A gap between 2 reinforcements can be created by Mira’s Black Mirror.


  • Fixed – Shield extending animation resets when switching views.
  • Fixed – Players are able to vault over Montagne’s shield.


  • Fixed – In some instances, reinforced wall debris will remain floating when the reinforced wall is being destroyed by Hibana’s X-KAIROS Launcher.


  • Fixed – Right hand becomes offset on the weapon when Finka activates her Adrenal Surge.
  • Fixed – The fire rate for the Spear .308 is listed in menus as 780 RPM, but it is only 700.


  • Fixed – Blitz’s shield’s hitboxes do not match the curves of his shield.


  • Fixed – Head hitbox clips through the Rifle Shield when standing against some surfaces.


  • Fixed – Clipping occurs for players hiding under a desk in 2F Offices and they can receive damage.
  • Fixed – Frost traps clip through the cable protectors located in 1F Server Room making them partially invisible.
  • Fixed – Operators can clip through the desk in 2F Archives, 1F Server Room and 1F Ventilation Room.


  • Fixed – Frost’s Welcome Mat clips through the table in 1F Dining Room and becoming invisible.


  • Fixed – Dynamic Clipping is not present with some indestructible objects or walls.


  • Fixed – Drone can be placed inside the ceiling from 2F Elevator.


  • Fixed – Drone can be placed inside the ceiling from B Cafeteria, giving drone view over multiple objective sites.
  • Fixed – Clipping issues in multiple spots.


  • Fixed – Multiple floating debris are present after destroying the wall between the 2F Work Office and the 2F Lounge locations.


  • Fixed – Fuze’s cluster charges remain stuck and explode inside the ceiling if placed close to the middle of the 4th wooden tile.
  • Fixed – Defenders can hide on top of cabinet in B Old Office.


  • Fixed – Character model will become invisible if standing under the staircase in B Laundry Room.
  • Fixed – Shield operators can melee defenders through metal blinds.


  • Fixed – It is possible to hide inside the panel in Electric Room on Kanal.
  • Fixed – In some spots, Fuze’s Cluster Charge backfire killing the player that placed it.


  • Fixed – Attacker can place a drone into the ceiling at 2F Engine Utility.


  • Fixed – A wall from the 2F Hallway disappears when looking at it with a Valkyrie camera from the other side of the hallway.
  • Fixed – Players are able to reach the purple tarp in EXT Pool.


  • Fixed – Drones can clip through 1F Kitchen Entrance rooftop.
  • Fixed – Attackers can throw a drone inside the wall of Clubhouse from EXT Eastern sub-roof.
  • Fixed – The Operator is clipping through the floor when prone on the toilet.
  • Fixed – Operator model can clip through stair fence from 2F Central Stairs 1F Central Stairs and B Central Stairs.


  • Fixed – Players can go outside through the wall during the preparation phase.


  • Fixed – Players can shoot enemies through the stairs in 1F Great Room.


  • Fixed – Valkyrie can place a cameras inside the wall between 1F Cold room and 1F Kitchen.


  • Fixed – Drone can fall out of the map from multiple locations.
  • Fixed – Clipping issues in multiple spots.
  • Fixed – There is space between the window frame and wall at EXT Junkyard and the player can see inside the building.


  • Fixed – Infinite loading time when using the name sorting option in the charms menu.
  • Fixed – Pack collection Icon flags are present on Operator cards with non-elite uniforms.
  • Fixed – Gold Vigil Chibi charm position makes it clip through shields.
  • Fixed – The smoke effect is no longer coloured from the second opened Alpha pack onwards.
  • Fixed – Some black collection icons are attached to random weapon skins.
  • Fixed – Graphic options are not applied when accepting the apply changes on popup.
  • Fixed – A slight delay can be seen when scrolling through uniforms.
  • Fixed – Players cannot hear voice chat from his teammates.
  • Fixed – Players is returned to main menu instead of next situation after completing the previous one.

Kompletter Artikel: Operation Grim Sky: Patchnotes


Maverick is known for his precise work and keen mind, yet he remains an enigma within Rainbow Six.

He was investigating the case of a missing reporter when he himself went MIA. The Unit had no means of communicating with him. Maverick re-emerged two years later with enough intel to dismantle a major insurgency operation. No one knows what really happened to him during those two years, but he’s been seen carrying a D.I.Y. blowtorch ever since, one that can make holes in metal surfaces. On the field, he’s found multiple uses for it, including but not limited to making murder holes. It takes a patient and fast Operator like Maverick to hold those angles.

Maverick’s expertise and his list of successful missions became the stuff of legend among Intelligence Collectors, gaining the attention of Rainbow Six.

It takes someone with exceptional intelligence, a deep understanding of human behavior, and high adaptability to one’s environment to do what he does. The one person who still does it best is Erik “Maverick” Thorn.

Visit our Rainbow Six Twitch Channel [] on August 17-19th for Maverick’s full reveal during the first ever Six Major in Paris.

Kompletter Artikel: NEW ATTACKER: MAVERICK

Dev Blog – Map Buff Philosophy

Creating new doors in walls is core to the destructible strategy in Siege. Creating new walls, new windows, and actual new doors is core to Map Buffs. The Level Design team is constantly looking at ways to iterate on maps in small, focused updates through what we call Map Buffs. Introduced for the first time in Operation Para Bellum with the Map Buff of Clubhouse, we wanted to revisit the philosophy of these decisions, as they will be a key feature in the future.

Here is an example of the Clubhouse Map Buff where a connector was added to the second floor to bridge the two structures.

After two years, some maps or parts of maps in Siege can feel stale. As players and playstyles evolve, there are also areas of certain maps that lack competitiveness. This can make a map unbalanced or even just not fun to play.

The philosophy of the Level Design Team when creating Map Buffs is to give maps new life while improving the competitiveness. The team builds onto the existing structure and flow of the map that improves on these qualities without completely changing the experience of the map. This is where Map Buffs differ from Map Reworks.

Here is an example of the Clubhouse Map Buff where a connector was added to the second floor to bridge the two structures.

Map Buffs are surgical and limited changes are focused purely on gameplay. These are more rapid iterations on a map that require reduced workload on the art team. They aim to offer a few critical improvements to competitiveness, mainly more viable objectives. The Level Design team looks at the objective pick rate in Ranked and Pro League and attempt to redistribute it more equally with these buffs.

In the future, we plan to introduce Map Buffs on a more regular basis. They all will not be as robust as the changes made to Clubhouse, but they will be focused on the philosophy outlined above.

For more information on the upcoming season, follow Rainbow Six Siege on Twitter and Facebook.

Kompletter Artikel: Dev Blog – Map Buff Philosophy


Meet Clash, the first Defender with a shield.

Born and raised in England, she’s a tough officer who served with the Territorial Support Group, holding the front line during the 2011 London Riots. She earned her spot with the Specialist Firearms Command (SCO19), making herself known within London’s Metropolitan Police Services (MPS).

She’s an expert at devising crowd-control strategies and she even acquired special permission to attend Gold Command meetings. She later made Detective Constable. Her experience, service record and persistence in her line of work got her noticed by Rainbow Six.

Twitch and Mira combined their engineering backgrounds, leading an R&D project to create the CCE Shield (Crowd Control Electro Shield). Clash is the perfect Operator to handle this new gadget and weapon because she understands mob behavior and she pioneered snatch squad tactics, not to mention her experience as a riot officer. She knows exactly when and where to deploy this shield to deny entry and slow down her opponents. Not only that, Clash has the backbone to stand her ground and a cooperative mindset to set herself up for assists. She shows no mercy and she has zero-tolerance for nonsense.

Despite her new title as DC at the MPS, she knows she belongs on the front line. This new Defender joining Rainbow Six, she’s none other than Morowa “Clash” Evans.

Visit our Twitch Channel [] on August 17-19th for Clash’s full reveal during the first ever Six Major in Paris.

Kompletter Artikel: NEW DEFENDER: CLASH


Hereford Base is getting a makeover. The aim of this rework is to make serious adjustments to the map to address previously encountered gameplay issues, and to raise the standards of what’s expected for competitive play. Overall, the map will still feel familiar, but this new Hereford Base contains many twists and should be treated as a new map.

The current map as we know it was the first to be prototyped for Rainbow Six Siege, so it only makes sense for this map to be the first rework. Rarely does a Dev Team get to revamp an existing map, let alone a location as iconic as Hereford. Thanks to your continued support and feedback, the Dev Team collected a good amount of data to make the required fixes, pushing Hereford Base to the next level.

Players can expect a new layout and the map as a whole will be bigger, meaning that each floor will have a larger surface area. Level Designers have also added new stairs to improve movement between each floor, increasing the viability of rotations. However, the new Hereford Base will still retain its “soul,” making multiple nods to the old base. Level Artists also took this opportunity to update the map’s visual identity and color palette, giving each floor more personality.

For the Level Designers, revisiting this map was a rare treat. Rainbow Six Siege has been running live for over two years. During this time, the level design team has matured and fine-tuned its knowledge of the game, and now has the chance to apply this knowledge to the Hereford Base map. Despite the frequent rain over Hereford Base, the Dev Team has a sunny and positive outlook on what’s to come.

Again, none of this would be possible without the community’s feedback. Thank you for all your support.

Find out all about Hereford’s full treatment by visiting our Rainbow Six Twitch Channel [] on August 17-19th during the first ever Six Major in Paris.