Our recoil system currently has a flaw, primarily affecting fully automatic weapons, that occasionally causes bullets to diverge from where the reticle is pointing. We will be fixing it by making changes to how our recoil mechanic works and we will be deploying this during the next test on the Test Server. The goal is to offer a clean, tight shooting system that does not cheat players out of a great show of skill, or on the contrary, register a headshot when the player is aiming at the torso.
We prototyped several technical solutions to correct the issue over the last year, but they all had significant drawbacks. We were not comfortable moving forward with the majority of those solutions. The solution we landed on shifted how recoils behave, making them trivial to control so all recoils had to be re-done in the new system. We tested some major adjustments to the foundations of the recoil equation on the TTS in September 2017[rainbow6.ubisoft.com]TTS in September 2017. Following feedback from that Test Server session, we changed how we were going to go about addressing the issue. As such, we have moved away from predictable recoil patterns, and found another solution that does not involve predictable recoil.
You can take a look at the comparison between the current recoil and the recoil that will be tested on the Test Server here[ubistatic19-a.akamaihd.net]!
With this new direction, we have made an effort to ensure that each weapon feels as close to the original recoil as possible. We have worked hard at trying to match the unique shooting feel of Siege by firing tens of thousands of bullets and switching back and forth between the two systems, alternating between the two and iterating to bring the new recoils closer to their live counterpart.
These changes will be live on the next phase of the Test Server, and we are eagerly awaiting your feedback. Please jump into the discussion and let us know your thoughts on the Test Server subreddit here, or on the main subreddit here!