RainbowSix: Siege

Dortmunder Jungs Rainbow Six Siege


In this latest edition of Designer’s Notes, we’ll go into more detail about the balancing changes that’ll come with the 3.3 patch and give you an insight into the reasons behind these changes.



Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.

Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator’s Win Deltas per Bomb Site.


Due to a tracking issue, we cannot provide the "No Ban" details this time around, we hope to have it back next time.



  • Reduce the number of S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher explosions to 2 (from 3).

Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Ace is currently a very strong and popular Operator as you can see in the Balancing Matrix above.

Our investigation on his performance led us to witness that his hard-breaching gadgets are very effective and have less downsides than Thermite for a similar result.

With this change we aim to reduce the presence of the Operator, maintain Thermite as a credible alternative and to invite Ace players to think twice when placing S.E.L.M.A. on a reinforced wall.


  • Adding the ITA12S as a secondary weapon.

Population targeted by this change: Casual.

As you all know, secondary shotguns are very important in defense to structure the environnement and create rotation holes.

Frost’s efficiency currently relies on how often she is played, most players trapped in her Welcome Mats did not expect the Canadian Defender.

On top of that Frost is often placing her traps in staircases close to doors and windows. We hope that by adding a secondary shotgun to her loadout she will benefit from being a bit more versatile, but also to be able to create new pathways to place her Welcome Mats, such as rotation holes requiring Attackers to vault their way in.

Players will be able to be a bit more creative and we hope to bump her presence by a little margin.


  • Reduce vision recovery time to 0.4s (from 1s).
  • Reduce movement penalization by 50% (from 6s to 12s of movement).

Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

According to our Balancing Matrix, Glaz currently is one of the most underperforming Operator. We are aware that Glaz is an extremely situational Attacker who has to potential to be quite frustrating in certain configurations.

At the moment, we are only trying to help Timur find a middle ground to boost the usefulness of his gadget to make him slightly easier to use and a bit closer to other Attackers in terms of performance.

As usual with Glaz, we will monitor your feedback very closely.


  • Adding MP5 as a primary weapon (Removing T-5).
  • Optics available on the MP5: Red Dot, Holographic, Reflex.

Population targeted by this change: Casual and Top Ranked.

Melusi’s performance is extremely solid as she boasts a very high presence and Win Delta in defense. We gathered feedback on this outstanding performance to investigate which balancing lever would make more sense.

The T-5 is currently on of the best Defender weapon and we felt that switching it for the MP5 should lead to an adequate performance reduction. Additionally, only 1.0x optics will be available on the MP5. This should slightly reduce her versatility and ability to win gunfights.


  • Adding T-5 as a primary weapon (Removing MP5).
  • Optics available on the T-5: Red Dot, Holographic, Reflex, Scope 1.5x.

Population targeted by this change: Casual and Top Ranked.

Contrary to the change we did with Melusi, Oryx was suffering from having an underwhelming weapon which turned out to be detrimental to performance in firefights.

Thanks to the T-5, which has proven to be excellent for other roamers, but also with the addition of the Scope 1.5x we are fairly confident that Oryx should see some improvements in that area.


  • Removed 1.5x Scope from Tachanka’s 9x19VSN.

Population targeted by this change: Casual; Top Ranked and Pros.

To prepare the arrival of the Tachanka rework, we decided to remove the 1.5x Scope from the Lord’s SMG.

We believe that he will be able to rely on quite some assets and this scope would likely make him a bit too potent.


  • Shields bearers are now affected by the Guard Break when hit by an explosion.
  • Operators protected behind a shield bearer are no longer taking full explosion damage.
  • Shield explosion protection lowered to 66% (from 80%).


The following Operators: Montagne, Blitz, Fuze and Clash will protect any player (hostiles included) from an explosion if the shield bearer is standing between them and the explosion.

It’s important to add that players standing behind a shield will suffer proportionally to how exposed their body is to the explosion. Additionally, shields will still be protecting Operators even if stored on characters’ backs.


The Guard Break animation will be proportional to the damage inflicted to the Shield (not to the Operator) and will only be triggered if a minimum of 50 damage is received. The greater the damage the more important the guard break animation will be. (up to 100 damage).

Melee damage, concussion effects as well as the Sonic Burst will trigger the guard break to the highest degree, while Electric damage will only trigger the lowest guard break animation.

Additionally, the rotation speed of the shielded Operator will be reduced during the animation and we also added a new animation for Montagne to prevent his shield from folding up during the Guard Break.

This change has several major goals, the first being consistency. It feels intuitive for Operators hiding behind a shielded ally to be protected in the same way as the Operator standing even closer to the explosion.

With that in mind, we know that this is likely to open the door to more team work and cooperation. Attackers will be able to rely on the passive protection of a shield bearer to plant on a bombsite for instance.

Indirectly, we foresee a renewed interest from Defenders to pick Operators such as Goyo, Smoke as well as the future Tachanka to counter these tactics.

However, explosions will now also trigger the Guard Break mechanism and offer a window of opportunity to damage shield bearers.

On top of that, Clash’s CCE Shield is becoming a hard counter for shielded Operators as her ability will now trigger the Guard Break.

We are aware that shields are often a source of frustration, and we hope that the new guard break mechanism will improve this aspect. Our goal is also to improve teamwork and find new interesting ways to play with a shield and for the benefit of your team.



  • Damage drop-off has been made more progressive to reach minimal damage at 50m (instead of 20m).
  • Damage at maximum range increase to 68% (from 48%).
  • Suppressor damage penalization normalized to -12.5% regardless the range.

Population targeted by this change: Casual and Top Ranked.

The presence of both Kaid and Goyo is currently quite low within the Top Ranked population, we would like to tweak their shotgun to make them a bit more appealing that they have been recently.

The feedback we gathered from pro players tend to indicate that buffing long-range damage by a reasonable margin should not be concerning. With these new specifications, the TCSG12 will now be capable of downing a 2-armor operator at maximum range.

We will keep on monitoring the performance of both Defenders to see if additional adjustments are required.


  • Damage drop-off has been made more progressive to reach minimal damage at 50m (instead of 20m).
  • Damage at maximum range increase to 68% (from 48%).
  • Suppressor damage penalization normalized to -12.5% regardless the range.

Population targeted by this change: Casual.

Just like the change abovementioned, and also out of consistency, now that the ACS12 is equipped with slugs, we are increasing the effectiveness of this weapon and long-range.

Given how good the MX4 Storm for Alibi and the Alda 5.56 for Maestro currently are, we don’t expect this change to have a massive impact on the presence of win delta of both these Operators.

The ACS12 should now be a bit more viable and more effective at long-range for anyone willing to use it.


The community requested the possibility to equip any x1 optic an any weapon. From our perspective, some elements of these optics are only a matter of preference and have no direct impact on the actual performance of the Operator. However, these optics have different shapes and casings and have, to a degree, a balancing impact. The space taken by the optic on the screen can be something that can make the gun perform better.

On top of that, we want Operators to feel different and have a specific identity. Our intent is to give players a reason to choose certain Operators over others.

If you want to learn more about optics in Siege, Mathieu Lacombe was recently interviewed on the Logic Bomb podcast and provided some additional insights on this specific topic (around the one hour mark).

We also updated the full list of our weapon optics for attacker and defender to reflect the current distribution on the live build and the upcoming Y5S3.3 TS changes.

Click here to download the full assets.[ubi.li]

  • A few operators are not included in these assets: Kali as she only has her unique scope on the CSRX 300 and Blitz, Montagne & Clash as their only primary option is their shield.
  • Tachanka’s new primary option, the DP27 is not included either, as it only has access to a custom reflex sight.

Try out the latest Rainbow Six updates on the Test Server and earn an exclusive charm through the BugHunterProgram[rainbow6.com].

Follow us and share your feedback on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook[www.facebook.com] and on our forums[forums.ubi.com].

Kompletter Artikel: Y5S3.3 DESIGNER'S NOTES


Patch Y5S3.2 will go out to PC the week of October 5th. For consoles, the Y5S3.2 and Y5S3.3 updates will be bundled together and released when the 3.2 patch is ready.



  • FIXED – If a deployable shield is placed in a doorway, players are sometimes blocked by the doorframe when trying to vault over it.
  • FIXED – Yellow Pings were not displayed in Replay Mode.
  • FIXED – Only the first Trax Stinger deployed could be targeted by the Smart Ping feature.
  • FIXED – Frost’s Welcome Mats becoming invisible when Frost was killed under certain conditions.
  • FIXED – Spas-15 and Bearing-9 reload animations have to be entirely restarted when the reloading was interrupted.
  • FIXED – Missing burn/fire SFX for smaller explosions that accompany an explosion.



  • FIXED – Missing or incorrect interaction prompts for Zero’s Piercing Camera crosshair when aiming at certain map assets/surfaces.
  • FIXED – When aiming through see-through + unbreakable glass, Zero’s Argus Launcher does not detect an obstacle.
  • FIXED – Zero’s Piercing Camera is not piercing through the destructible floor on the carpet in 2F Gym of Clubhouse.
  • FIXED – The Argus Camera activation SFX can be heard when deployed on an electrified wall.
  • FIXED – The Argus Camera can sometimes pierce through other gadgets on the other side of a wall.
  • FIXED – The Argus Camera cannot pierce through the rug in 1F Great Room.


  • FIXED – When affected by a Breach Charge detonation, Clash’s Shield is automatically placed on her back.
  • FIXED – Speed penalty does not gradually wane after being affected by Clash’s CCE shield.
  • FIXED – Fix for an issue with weapon swapping when Clash’s CCE shield is deployed.


  • FIXED – Missing fall damage for Nomad when jumping/vaulting from an elevated location (hotfixed on PC on Oct 1st).


  • FIXED – Fuse SFX for Secondary Hard Breach gadget is too long.


  • FIXED – Various LOD issues on maps.
  • FIXED – Various clipping issues on maps.


  • FIXED – The vault prompt at the stairway railings (1F Fireplace) was inconsistent and difficult to activate on Chalet.
  • FIXED – Vault prompt inconsistencies in stairway railings (1F Gaming Room Hallway and 2F Library Stairs) on Chalet.
  • FIXED – Defenders were able to scan Attackers through trees and rocks from EXT Campfire camera on Chalet.
  • FIXED – Navigation issues due to rock collision in EXT Snowmobiles on Chalet.
  • FIXED – Drones can fall through the map at EXT Front Yard of Chalet.
  • FIXED – Drones can teleport into the shelf at B Storage room on Chalet by forcing collision.
  • FIXED – Low lighting inside the wardrobe of 2F Master Bedroom of Chalet after breaking the doors.


  • FIXED – Throwable gadgets could be thrown through walls above certain windows on Border.


  • FIXED – Yellow Pings do not appear immediately when targeting TVs on Clubhouse.


  • FIXED – Valkyrie cam can be thrown through the wall in 2F Hallway on Coastline.


  • FIXED – Battleye ticker is now fixed. Previous banwaves carried out during the season were not visible due to a bug with the ticker.
  • FIXED – In map ban phase, system always bans the map on the right when there are two maps left.
  • FIXED – Ensuring all maps are properly randomized to show up in the map-ban phase.
  • FIXED – Crashes when using Vulkan (hotfixed on PC on Oct 1st)
  • FIXED – Various shop/cosmetic issues.
  • FIXED – Various HUD/UI issues.
  • FIXED – Reload prompt still appears even when interface preference is disabled.
  • FIXED – Steel Wave Champions charm is very, very pink.
  • FIXED – Players getting expired/older in-game notifications and pop-ups.
  • FIXED – Banned players could hit the “Find another Match” button, causing odd in-game messages.
  • FIXED – Custom color sights were not applied in Replay Mode.

Kompletter Artikel: Y5S3.2 PATCH NOTES


We announced it at the beginning of the year, and finally our very first ever Operator rework is here. Russian Defender Tachanka has proven to be a well-liked character in the community, but he came with a set of flaws we wanted to address and repair.

That’s why he has traded his beloved turret to create an all-new way of moving. We have given our trusty Operator a fresh spin through a new gadget, a new primary weapon as well as a new ability in a conscious effort to transform a popular personality into a force to be reckoned with. Don’t worry, Tachanka has kept his spirit, he just got brand-new toys to play with!

LEARN MORE[rainbow6.com]

Kompletter Artikel: TACHANKA REWORK


The Y5S3.1 update contains primarily a backlog of bug fixes from the TS that did not make it in time for the season update.



In this update we will be removing the vote-to-kick feature from Quick Match (vote-to-kick was previously only available in Quick Match.)

We’ve been monitoring the use of vote-to-kick for the last seasons and have confirmed that it is indeed a highly abused feature used as a disruption tool and that it is considered by most to be a pain point in this playlist. Considering that it brings more tension to Quick Match, we decided to turn it off.



FIXED – Mismatched SFX when picking up a hard breach charge gadget.
FIXED – Operator shields will flip in first person POV after swapping out the shield and performing a melee attack.


FIXED – Various clipping/dynamic clipping issues.
FIXED – Various issues with assets/props on maps.
FIXED – Various LOD issues on maps.
FIXED – Various minor caster mode details.
FIXED – Various vault issues.


FIXED – Various vault issues on Chalet.
FIXED – Jukebox in 1F Bar on Chalet can be vaulted onto.
FIXED – Various drone collision issues on Chalet allowing drones to go OOB/OOW, or blocking drones.
FIXED – Defuser can’t be picked up if dropped behind the boiler in B Main Garage on Chalet.
FIXED – Defuser can’t be picked up if dropped in certain spots on Chalet after forcing collision.
FIXED – Defuser can’t be picked up if dropped in a specific spot on EXT Helipad Trail of Chalet.
FIXED – Drones are not destroyed when thrown OOB on Chalet.
FIXED – Issues with Secure Area mode in 1F Fireplace on Chalet.
FIXED – Operator can go OOB by forcing collision in EXT Helipad Trail of Chalet.
FIXED – Players can’t vault down to B Backyard stairs on Chalet.
FIXED – Potentially exploitable position on Chalet.
FIXED – Some gadgets float when attached to solarium windows on Chalet.
FIXED – The table in B Wine Cellar of Chalet can’t be damaged by explosives.



FIXED – Sensitivity for Zero’s Argus Camera on controllers is higher than intended.
FIXED – Inconsistent replication for Zero’s Piercing Camera for players who have reconnected to the game
FIXED – Multiple damage decals from Zero’s camera when deployed on certain surfaces.
FIXED – Visual issues with Zero’s Argus Launcher reticule and crosshair while hipfiring and ADS, respectively.
FIXED – Zero’s Argus Launcher crosshairs are not being affected by the disable state when inside Mute’s jammer AOE.
FIXED – Zero’s Piercing Camera can be deployed multiple times in the same spot.
FIXED – Zero’s Piercing Camera floats if deployed on a barricade that later has its perimeter destroyed.


FIXED – Clash’s shield animation can be stopped by pressing any spring/shoot buttons.


FIXED – When using Iana’s Gemini, her 1.5x and 2.0x scopes will change to a different scope on the Gemini.


FIXED – Scopes are held closer to Nokk’s face when prone when her HEL is active.


FIXED – ADS Sensitivity settings are not being saved after restarting on console.
FIXED – In custom matches, duplicate pings can occur when switching sides.
FIXED – Missing SFX while in support mode after dying.
FIXED – Various issues lost in-game voice chat functionality.
FIXED – Various issues with in-game voice chat.
FIXED – Various minor bugs in PvE.
FIXED – Various UI/HUD issues.
FIXED – Various visual cosmetic/shop issues.

Kompletter Artikel: Y5S3.1 PATCH NOTES


Updates and fixes made over the course of the Y5S3 Test Server. For the full Shadow Legacy Patch Notes, follow the link below.


PING 2.0

We’re currently evaluating the feedback that we’ve received on Ping 2.0 over the course of the Test Server. So far, we’ve observed that the benefits of the new ping system are more heavily weighted towards more casual players, but we also understand the potential drawbacks raised by high-tier players about the new ping system. With this in mind, we would like to spend some more time gathering data and feedback on the live servers. We’ll continue closely monitoring the impact of Ping 2.0 while it’s on live while we we take a closer look at our options to try and will do our best to incorporate feedback to make the new Ping 2.0 an enjoyable experience and useful tool for players of all backgrounds.



We have heard player feedback on the availability of options for 1x scopes on operators. While making the 1x scopes available for all the operators is something that we have considered, there are a number of design limitations that prevent us from making it a possibility at this time. We are currently exploring our options and will share more when we have a better solution.


1.5x on Mozzie’s P10 Roni
1.5x on Alibi’s ACS12
2.0x on Maestro’s ACS12
2.5x on Hibana’s Type-89


Based on feedback over the course of the TS, we’ve given the old Holo back to some operators, while swapping the new Holo to others to gather more data and feedback. This change should give players more agency when choosing between using the new Holo vs. other alternatives. This will also only impact DEF operators with 1x zoom scopes. We’ll be closely studying and monitoring the performance of the two Holos and player feedback on the live servers as well.

Re-added old Nato Holo in place of the new MH1 Holo for: Wamai (AUG A2), Oryx (Mp5), Pulse (Ump 45)
Added new Nato Holo to replace old Holo for: Castle (Ump45), Doc (Mp5), Echo (Mp5SD)


Gave Nomad more options on her scopes to make them feel and look a bit better.

ARX: Removed 1.5x, Added 2.0x
AK: Removed 2.0x, Added 1.5x and 2.5x


The sensitivity slider now goes up to 200. Don’t forget that when you patch into the new season, your old sensitivity settings will automatically be converted into the new system.

If you want to calculate your own conversions, check out our sensitivity guide.[rainbow6.com]


Addition of panels to the bomb model in order to fix issues with pixel peeks.



To discourage boosting and de-ranking, players can no longer drop below 1000 MMR, and players cannot gain more than 150 MMR from any game.


Early in the season, we will be removing the vote-to-kick feature from Quick Match. We’ve been monitoring the use of vote-to-kick for the last seasons and have confirmed that it is indeed a highly abused feature used as a disruption tool and that it is considered by most to be a pain point in this playlist. Considering that it brings more tension to Quick Match, we decided to turn it off.


You will now receive in-game notifications after a player you reported is sanctioned. These will replace the ‘Thank you’ emails that used to be sent out in this scenario. We are replacing the emails with notifications to be more transparent about our sanction process. It also allows us to keep sanction communication in-game, making it easier for users to get updates while they play.

  • Added raiser to the 1.5x Scope to alleviate the issue of the visible iron sight/front pins when in ADS.
  • Iana’s Holograms will no longer trigger metal detectors.
  • New naming convention for shields. All shields will now display ‘SHIELD’ as their weapon type. (ex: Le Roc Shield, G-52 Tactical Shield, CCE Shield).
  • Reduced the size of the 1.5x Scope
  • Reduced the size of the reticule for the MH1 Holo Sight
  • Minor visual tweaks to Zero’s scope icons for aesthetics.
  • Updated reticle structure for Kali’s CSRX300 and Capitao’s Crossbow
  • Updated reticle when entering gadget mode for Kali.
  • Vault prompt consistency after meleeing a barricade (See Vault Detection changes). Previously you could sometimes vault barricades after 1 melee. Barricades will now require at least 2 melee hits before the vault prompt will appear.



  • FIXED – Issues with gadget deployment and consistency when interacting with destructible/fragile map assets (see Gadget Deployment Refactor in Patch Notes).
  • FIXED – Minor feedback issues for new disable state (see new Disable State in Patch Notes).
  • FIXED – Various minor issues with Ping 2.0 feedback (see new Ping 2.0 in Patch Notes).
  • FIXED – Various feedback issues for hard breach charge (see new Hard Breach Charge in Patch Notes).
  • FIXED – Various vault fixes (see Vault Detection Improvement in Patch Notes).
  • FIXED – Hot breach charge can kill operators during entry.
  • FIXED – Issues with DBNO detection.
  • FIXED – Launcher projectiles (Ash, Zero) can sometimes pass through walls.
  • FIXED – Breaching charges display fire spark VFX if they’re destroyed without being detonated.
  • FIXED – Drones not always spawning in the same vicinity as the player.
  • FIXED – Drones sometimes spawn facing the wrong way and not facing the objective building.
  • FIXED – Drones spawning at random map locations instead of near the Attacker spawn point if ‘No vote’ is chosen.
  • FIXED – Firearms can sometimes get stuck if players pick up deployable gadgets during the animation and using other buttons simultaneously.
  • FIXED – Gadgets/projectiles can sometimes pass through surfaces if they are thrown while leaning, prone, and while forcing collision.
  • FIXED – Inconsistent objective scan detection by drone on bomb sites.
  • FIXED – Missing occluded SFX when deploying while standing away from the wall and rappelling.
  • FIXED – Popping animation when running downhill.
  • FIXED – Shield operator’s shields will flip after swapping it out and meleeing.
  • FIXED – Small barricades can be vaulted after just one hit.
  • FIXED – Weapons appear in the middle of a deployable gadget while gadget is being deployed/cooked.
  • FIXED – When melee hitting an electrified deployable shield, players take 15 damage (should be consistent with damage taken from electrified reinforced walls/barbed wire – which is 3 dmg).
  • FIXED – Holo MH1 reticule is not properly aligned.
  • FIXED – Red dot is not aligned.


  • FIXED – Exploitable gaps in some map areas.
  • FIXED – Flickering textures for certain map surfaces.
  • FIXED – Minor chroma changes to destructible walls for better clarity.
  • FIXED – Various clipping/dynamic clipping issues.
  • FIXED – Various issues with carpets.
  • FIXED – Various LOD issues on maps.
  • FIXED – Various map props/assets.


  • FIXED – Tons of Chalet stuff (see Chalet rework.)


  • FIXED – Echo’s Yokai can get stuck behind a water dispenser in 1F Skylight Stairwell of Bank.
  • FIXED – Explosion damage can pass through the metal desk in B CCTV of Bank.
  • FIXED – Invisible ceiling collision when navigating with Echo’s Yokai at B Main Stairway on Bank.


  • FIXED – Attackers can plant the defuser on top of the lockers in 1F Supply Room of Border.


  • FIXED – Bullets can penetrate through the trim around the bar counter on Coastline.
  • FIXED – Carpets on Coastline are not destroyed when hit by explosives (see Gadget Deployment Refactor).
  • FIXED – You can go through the cool vibes wall on Coastline while rappelling.


  • FIXED – Placing and detonating a nitro cell or impact grenade on the flag in 2F Consul Office of Consulate will not deal damage to any nearby operators.
  • FIXED – Small gap above the double doors of EXT Visa Entrance of Consulate.


  • FIXED – Issues with gadget deployment on the top window of EXT East Staircase window on Hereford.


  • FIXED – The defuser can be dropped in a difficult to access area in EXT Cannon Overlook on Fortress.


  • FIXED – Drones spawning in the wrong locations on House.
  • FIXED – Barbed wire can’t be placed on certain spots in 1F Lobby Stairs of House.


  • FIXED – Barbed wire not deploying on carpeted stairs on Kafe.


  • FIXED – Counters in 1F Kitchen Outback are missing some materials.


  • FIXED – Defenders sometimes spawn in the air at 2F Bunk on Theme Park.



  • FIXED – Various issues with Zero’s piercing camera gadget and interactions with various props/functionality (see Zero in Patch Notes).
  • FIXED – Various visual feedback issues with Zero’s gadget.


  • FIXED – When using Amaru’s Garra Hook to rappel up, Amaru can sometimes get stuck and fall back to the ground.


  • FIXED – Ash’s breaching round will not explode properly when it interacts with reinforced walls in a certain way.


  • FIXED – Montagne and Clash cannot extend their shields while crouched.
  • FIXED – Missing feedback warning message when Clash tries to user her CCE shield while in a disabled state.
  • FIXED – Clash can slow opponents even when her CCE Shield is facing the opposite direction after being meleed and having her guard broken.


  • FIXED – Frost’s Muzzle Flash with her 9mm sub–machine gun extended barrel is misplaced.


  • FIXED – Fuze has the Nato red dot, and the holographic and reflex scopes available for the AK–12 (he should have the Russian red dot, Russian holo, the Russian reflex, 2.0x and Russian 2.5x).


  • FIXED – If Iana is using the new Y5S3 1.5x or 2.0x Scopes, they will revert back to the old ones when using her hologram.
  • FIXED – If Iana’s hologram is activated while a player reconnects to a session, Iana may appear to be dead to that player.


  • FIXED – Maestro’s Evil Eyes should now match the same deployment behavior of other deployable gadgets.


  • FIXED – Missing ‘Empty fuel’ message for Maverick’s blowtorch.


  • FIXED – Melusi’s Banshee and Maestro’s Evil Eye are not destroyed when an enemy is pushed into them by Nomad’s Airjab or Oryx’s charge.
  • FIXED – Small destructible objects can block Melusi’s Banshee’s LOS.


  • FIXED – Montagne and Clash cannot extend their shields while crouched.
  • FIXED – Montagne can unequip his shield while being guard broken.
  • FIXED – Montagne’s extended shield is automatically equipped if the player presses the key/button for his shield and then stands up later.


  • FIXED – Destroying a Mozzie pest while hacking a drone renders the drone unusable for both Mozzie + the attacker.


  • FIXED – Thatcher gets 10 points instead of 5 points for disabling Melusi’s Banshee.
  • FIXED – Thatcher getting 2x points for disabling Clash’s CCE shield.


  • FIXED – HUD icon updates for voice chat.
  • FIXED – Various cosmetic/shop issues.
  • FIXED – Various HUD fixes in caster mode.
  • FIXED – Various HUD issues with compass locations on maps.
  • FIXED – Various HUD/UI issues.
  • FIXED – Various issues when spectating with Caster mode.
  • FIXED – Various minor menu/round SFX issues.
  • FIXED – Various minor visual issues with map props when in spectator mode.
  • FIXED – Various SFX ping errors in menu/UI.
  • FIXED – Ammo counter appears off screen when using 4:3 aspect ratio.
  • FIXED – Buff/debuff icons are missing their animations on the HUD.
  • FIXED – Defender’s weapon attachments sometimes spawn with a delay after the start of the round.
  • FIXED – Doc’s stim pistol is not functional in Training Grounds
  • FIXED – Errors with disable state interaction in completing PvE situations.
  • FIXED – Graphical corruption when setting the brightness at 60 or above
  • FIXED – In custom matches, the Hostage can still be killed even after setting Hostage death to off.
  • FIXED – Long loading times when transitioning to the start of a round.
  • FIXED – Missing score/timer from the UI during match point.
  • FIXED – Overlapping running SFX when shield operators run with the shield on their back.
  • FIXED – Player’s attachment loadout visual information does not update during operator selection after being changed.
  • FIXED – Reload button is misplaced on non–native aspect ratios.
  • FIXED – Some Optic colors (orange, turquoise) are not displaying their true color at high opacity levels.
  • FIXED – The bots start talking about grenades when Zero uses his gadget in PvE. At least they’re pretty.
  • FIXED – Unmuting another user that you blocked does not unmute them.


Operation Shadow Legacy Now Available

Operation Shadow Legacy, the third season of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Year 5, is now available. This new season brings innovation with the addition of Sam Fisher from the Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell saga as a new operator, a rework of the Chalet map, an improvement of the ping system and many other key updates.

Owners of the Year 5 Pass can play with Zero aka Sam Fisher immediately, while other players can unlock him with Renown or R6 Credits starting September 17. New seasonal content, including the Chalet map rework, are available for free to all players. Year 5 Season 3 also welcomes the Battle Pass, available now through October 19.

Sam Fisher is equipped with a new gadget called the Argus Launcher, a two-way drill camera. The cameras are launched to pierce soft or reinforced walls, windows and hatches, and can stick to any surface. The attacker can rotate the camera to see the other side of the wall and each camera is equipped with one laser charge, used to deal damage to defenders or destroy gadgets. Sam Fisher also comes with his unique weapons, the SC3000K and Karambit.

In addition to this new operator, players can explore a reimagined Chalet map, which is newly reworked. The first and the second floors are improved and the roof is now traversable, among other features. Objectives have been the focus of this rework, with a hallway added to improve rotation in the Basement, and the Trophy site has been switched for a new one in Dining.

Additional game updates include:

  • Ping 2.0
  • Map Ban
  • New Secondary Gadget: The Hard Breach Charge
  • New Optics and Sights Colors
  • New Reinforcement Pool

For more information about Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, please visit http://rainbow6.ubisoft.com.

Kompletter Artikel: Operation Shadow Legacy Now Available



Each season will bring the release of new charms, as well as a return of the streamer’s charms from previous seasons!



















Narcoleptic Nugget[www.twitch.tv]



















Salty Academy[www.twitch.tv]



These charms are only available by subscribing to the respective streamer’s Twitch channel with a linked Uplay account. For more information on how to link your Uplay and Twitch account, as well as opt in for Twitch Drops, please refer to this FAQ[support.ubi.com].


Given the length of our production cycle for in-game content, the participants for Y5S1 S2, S3 & S4 have already been determined. We are always on the lookout for additional content creators to add to the program and will be exploring new candidates in 2020 & 2021. If your goal is to see your charm in game, we use the following criteria to begin the selection process for potential candidates:

Requirements to be considered
  • Approximately 350+ concurrent viewers – preferable.
  • Average of 10 Rainbow Six streams per month.
  • Average of 20 hours of Rainbow Six streamed per month.
  • Positive standing with Ubisoft/Rainbow Six Siege.
  • High quality level of content.
  • Rainbow Six Siege reserves the right for final decision.

Consideration for Removal
  • Less than 10 Rainbow Six Siege main streams over 3 months.
  • Level of quality dropping below an acceptable level.
  • Standing with Rainbow Six Siege/Ubisoft compromised.
  • Any actions that may negatively affect the R6S/Ubisoft brand.
  • Rainbow Six Siege reserves the right for removal of any charms.



Let’s talk sensitivity. ADS sensitivity (not your feelings). Today we’re going to teach you how to convert your old sensitivity settings from the old sensitivity system to the new one in Y5S3.

Keep in mind that when Shadow Legacy goes live, it will automatically convert your old sensitivity settings into the new system! The automatic conversion should preserve the original ADS feeling you had before the new season when it goes to live. It will switch your ADS settings to "Advanced" mode and adjust the per-zoom sliders to replicate the previous sensitivity settings.

Table of Contents
– – Issues with the old system
– – Improvements with the new system
Conversion Guide
– – Conversion calculator
– – ‘The Maths’
Example Calculation
Getting Technical


Previously, ADS sensitivity used constant multipliers. Every zoom level had their own constant multiplier which was used to adjust the sensitivity while in ADS. This caused a few issues we wished to address this season with the addition of new scopes.


QOL and Improved Customization

The first issue with the old system was a straightforward QOL problem. With a single ADS sensitivity slider, it was difficult to have different sensitivity preferences depending on the zoom level. This forced some players to constantly adjust their ADS settings between rounds if they wanted to switch scopes with different zoom levels. To make everyone’s life better, the new "Advanced" settings allow players to customize sensitivity per zoom level with the new sensitivity sliders without having to adjust each time you change.

Improved ADS Sensitivity Consistency

The second issue is a bit more complex. We realized it was difficult for players to get a consistent feeling between zoom levels due to the fact that the constant multipliers differed from one zoom level to another, and because of other external factors not directly taken into account such as the field-of-view (FOV). This meant that players would often resort to third party calculators to achieve the desired effect. So, to improve consistency we looked at 360 Distance and Visuomotor Gain (scroll down for an in-depth explanation).


Method 1 – Easy Mode: Automatically find and convert your sensitivity settings with our handy-dandy spreadsheet.[ubi.li]

Method 2 – Hard Mode: If you want to ‘Do the Maths’. Look below.

🤓 Math time


  • OldADS = The old ADS sensitivity value in the options.
  • VerticalFOV = The FOV value in the display options for PC, or 60 degrees for consoles.
  • AspectRatio = The aspect ratio of the display. For most cases, the game resolution width divided by the height (e.g. 4/3, 16/9, 16/10) should be correct.
  • NewADS = The new ADS sensitivity value in Shadow Legacy (Y5S3).



If HorizontalFOV > 150 degrees, recalculate the VerticalFOV:



Look up your settings. A 16:9 aspect ratio will be 16/9, and 60 degrees will be 60.

In our example, we have:

  • Display aspect ratio of 16:9.
  • FOV setting of 60 degrees.

STEP 2: CALCULATE YOUR HORIZONTAL FOV (calculate new vertical FOV if Horizontal FOV > 150)

Take your vertical FOV and your aspect ratio and plug it into the Horizontal FOV formula. If your Horizontal FOV > 150 you need to use the Vertical FOV formula to recalculate the Vertical FOV.

Here the HorizontalFOV <= 150 degrees, so you do not need to recalculate the vertical FOV.


Lets’s say you had an ADS value of 30 from the old model and want to know how to set your 1.0x magnification settings.

Look up the FOV multiplier from the table above and plug in your Vertical FOV.


Look up the ADS multiplier from the table above and plug in the FOV Adjustment you just calculated. Multiply by your old ADS setting.


In this scenario, an ADS value of 20 should be used for the 1.0x slider of the new model, in order to replicate the feeling of an ADS value of 30 of the old model.



There are typically two ways to keep a consistent effect when changing zoom levels: maintaining the 360° distance and using visuomotor gain.


A 360° distance system means the same physical distance on the mouse or gamepad stick will rotate your character by a constant angle. The unit of measurement to define this sensitivity is centimeters (or inches) per 360 degrees, which is the physical distance required to do a full rotation of the camera. Maintaining the same measurement means using a high magnification scope can be very disorienting, as the view will wildly change from one point to the next due to the zoom.

However, due to the disorientating effect, it is usually undesirable to make the 360° distance constant across zoom levels. While default adjustments can be set for different zoom levels to prevent this issue, there is no gold standard for determining what should be the default adjustment when zooming at various levels. Moreover, personal preferences and varying opinions make this a less ideal solution.


Visuomotor is the coordination of movement and visual perception by the brain. And a Visuomotor Gain system scales the rotation linearly in order to maintain better consistency and perception when rotating your view.

To break it down further, let’s start with an analogy. When you look at an image and move it around with the mouse, you normally expect the same physical distance on the mouse to always move that image by another constant physical distance on your monitor. When you zoom in on that image, you also expect the visual relationship between those distances to remain the same.

In Siege, the image is actually what you view through the player’s camera, and "moving it around" in that context means "moving the ‘panoramic view’ around". Once again, regardless of the zoom, a given physical mouse or gamepad stick distance will always match another physical monitor distance and scale linearly. So in practice, the more you zoom in, the less the camera will rotate in degrees, therefore automatically increasing the 360° distance.

Because of the consistent feeling visuomotor gain provides across all zoom levels, we decided to use it as the new ADS sensitivity model in Siege.

From now on, new R6 players will have an ADS sensitivity value of 50 for all zoom levels. This value of 50 gives a neutral and consistent transition between hipfire and ADS with regard to physical mouse/gamepad stick distance versus physical monitor distance. Other similar FPS games also use similar values to achieve the same effect.

Side Note: If you are on PC and have modified the XFactorAiming value of your GameSettings.ini file, this will unfortunately affect the neutral ADS value of 50. Instead, the neutral value will be (1 / XFactorAiming).

For players who would still prefer to use the previous model, use the guide above to convert the old ADS value to the new ones, which should allow you to replicate it with the new system.

To learn more about the new sights and scopes coming in Y5S3, you can also check out our Sights/Scopes Dev Blog[rainbow6.com]!



With Y5S3 we’ll make changes to our weapon optics by adding new sights and scopes, modifying existing scopes and redistributing them across all operators and weapons. On top of that we’ll also provide you with more accessibility and customization options.

In this blog article we’ll look into all the upcoming changes to optics, the motivations behind them and how they might affect the balancing of the game.


Throughout this article we’ll be using the following terms:

  • Optics: The general term used for any aiming devices.
  • Sights: Aiming devices that provide no particular zoom level, such as the Red Dot or Holographic.
  • Scopes: Aiming devices that provide a zoom level, like the ACOG.
  • Reticle: The pattern of lines or markings built into the eyepiece of an aiming device.


We’ll be modifying two existing scopes as well as introducing four new sights and scopes to Siege: a new Red Dot option, a new Holographic option and 2 new scopes with different zoom level, a 1.5x and a 2.0x.

Due to these changes we’ll also redistribute optics across the board, meaning with Y5S3 almost all operators and their guns have other options than before. You’ll find more details on these changes and the redistribution further down this article.

The main driver of making the changes to Siege’s optics was to provide more choices for you, our players. While not every weapon has access to every optic, we wanted to have a wider variety with more options to choose from. These changes will also bring a breath of fresh air to our gameplay – creating new experiences for all our players. With more options and new combinations available per operator and weapon we also hope players will try out weapons they might have discarded before and maybe even find new favorite guns or optics!

The changes will not only bring more variety for our players, they will also provide us with a new balancing tool for operators and weapons. Previously we only had one choice when it came to scopes: either the weapon gets an ACOG or not. But with the modifications to our existing scopes and through adding additional ones we will now have 4 scope options with different magnification to distribute to operators and their weapons: A 1.5x, 2.0x, 2.5x and a 3.0x. With more options overall, we’ll also have more levers for some weapons that can be hard to balance, and they can also help us with creating even more unique roles for operators.

The initial redistribution of optics is a first proposition based on balancing and gameplay needs for the operators and their weapons. Certain weapon types will only have access to certain optics as well, the Scope 3.0x for example will be distributed to DMRs while the Scope 2.5x will be given to LMGs and Assault rifles. There are also some technical limitations we have to consider. The goal is to stay agile with the distribution and it can we tweaked depending on data and player’s feedback from the Test Servers, so make sure to try it out and tell us what you think!



The Scope 2.5x in Y5S2.3 (left) and Y5S3 (right).

For both versions of the ACOG, the NATO and the Russian one, we will change the zoom level from 3.0x to 2.5x. With Siege being more focused on short range kills and some players mentioning the ACOG feels a bit too zoomed in, we felt like reducing the magnification will be an improvement for this beloved scope. Nothing else will change for the ACOG, except that it will be referred to as the Scope 2.5x in the selection menu and it will also become less available. Check the new distribution further down the blog for more information on this.


The Scope 3.0x in Y5S2.3 (left) and Y5S3 (right).

This scope, previously available on Capitão’s and Gridlock’s LMG, will keep its zoom level at 3.0x and therefore become the scope with the highest zoom level among the non-unique optics. In the menu it will be referred to as the Scope 3.0x. What we have modified on this scope is the reticle, we gave it a cleaner look which will make aiming at targets easier for players. Its distribution will change as well – it will become more available, mainly to operators with DMRs.

All the other optics not mentioned here won’t be changed and therefore remain the same as before.



The M4S, our new Red Dot has a 1.0x zoom level, so it functions as a "no zoom" sight like the other Red Dots as well. It was added to provide our players with more options and we also see it as a quality of life change; the M4S is higher than the NATO Red Dot in-game, so we hope the Picatinny rail of the weapons receiving this new option won’t show up on screen as much when ADS. For now, we’ll only give it to some operators and weapons, but depending on its reception we might distribute it more broadly in the future.


The MH1, our new Holographic Sight has a 1.0x zoom level as well, but it offers a fresh, clean look and a different reticle. Given how many of our players love the NATO Holo Sight, we wanted to provide them with another Holographic option that feels comfortable for them. We are quite interested in the performance of the new MH1, and while it will only be distributed to some operators and weapons at the beginning, we will distribute it more or less based on player feedback in the future.


This new scope provides a 1.5x zoom level, therefore it will be referred to as the Scope 1.5x in the menu. It will bring a whole new magnification into Siege – a compromise between longer and shorter angles. We expect the Scope 1.5x to become one of the most favorite optics of our players, allowing them to engage in close quarters while still providing a comfortable zoom level to fight at the 10M range. (This is still the average value for engagement distances in Siege).


This new scope brings a new medium range magnification into the game: A 2.0x zoom level, which will be referred to as the Scope 2.0x in the menu. This new option features a much slimmer frame compared to the overall thicker Scope 2.5x but it is trading this advantage for a blind spot on the top left. It will be distributed on longer range weapons like LMGs and Assault Rifles.


Each weapon will have their own sights and scopes distribution, and not only per weapon but a combo of weapon and operator. You find an overview of the new distribution further down this article.

The Red Dot, Holographic and Reflex Sights will remain under their respective categories in the selection menu. Like before, the name of their tiles will stay the same while the icon will change to indicate which of the multiple options is available and will be equipped on the selected weapon.

Due to the different magnification of our scopes we’ll have one dedicated tile for each zoom level in the selection menu. These tiles with their unique icons will be visible or not depending on if this zoom level is available on the selected weapon or not.

Here’s an overview of all the tiles in the selection menu and which non-unique optics they will include:


Those are iron sights; they don’t have an icon in the menu as their look changes depending on the selected weapon.


This tile will be for the 1.0x Red Dot Sight options.

Possible cases:

  • NATO
  • Russian
  • M4S


This tile will be for the 1.0x Holographic Sights.

Possible cases:

  • NATO
  • Russian
  • Razor
  • MH1


This tile will be for the 1.0x Reflex Sights.

Possible cases:

  • NATO
  • Russian


This tile will be for the 1.5x Scope only.


This tile will be for the 2.0x Scope only.


This tile will be for the 2.5x Scope.

Possible Cases:

  • NATO
  • Russian


This tile will be for the 3.0x Scope only.




Please note:

  • This optics redistribution will only affect the primary weapons and not the secondary ones.
  • A few operators are not included in these assets: Kali as she only has her unique scope on the CSRX 300 and Blitz, Montagne & Clash as their only primary option is their shield.

Click here [ubi.li]to download high res PDFs of the new optics distribution.


Player accessibility is important to us and the continued growth of Siege, as we want it to be a game anyone can enjoy.

We are aware that players who are colorblind or visually impaired might encounter difficulties with focusing and targeting when shooting. Through adding a new feature which allows to change the reticle color and opacity of our optics we want to improve the shooting experience and increase player comfort for all our players. This is a first step in our vision for greater accessibility and we intent to develop and implement more options and features like this in the future.

In the options menu of the game we are going to have a new tab called "ACCESSIBILITY". Under this tab you’ll find the new optic color feature.

Choose one of five settings which include several predefined color options adapted to different forms of color blindness, a default option and a custom option to adjust the reticle color of all your optics*:


  • Optic Color: Default
  • Optic Opacity: 100%
  • Optic Color: Predefined (Blue)
  • Optic Opacity: 100%
  • Optic Color: Predefined (Yellow)
  • Optic Opacity: 100%
  • Optic Color: Predefined (Turquoise)
  • Optic Opacity: 100%
  • Optic Color: Choose your preferred color from a selection of 12 colors
  • Optic Opacity: Adjustable in a range from 20% to 100%

*The optics on Kali’s CSRX 300 and Capitão’s Crossbow will be included in this feature at some later point.

We aim to increase the comfort level for all our players and ensure everyone has the best experience possible. Because of that we also intend to implement an option in the menu which will allow players to preview their chosen color settings to get a better look and feel of the optic variables before making their choice. We currently plan to include this in a future update, so stay tuned!


We’ve heard your feedback about the feeling of inconsistency between different optics when aiming down sight and the wish for more control over your ADS Sensitivity settings. To address this, we’re going to make some changes to the Aim Down Sights (ADS) Sensitivity system with Y5S3:


The inconsistent feeling when using different optics was caused by different sources of FOV that affected the player’s aim with sights and scopes. We’ve now made a gameplay change to compensate these FOVs, which will result in a more consistent movement across all FOVs and magnification level of our optics when aiming down sight.

(For the more technical players who are interested in what exactly has been changed: the zoom level are no longer based on a FOV ratio, but on focal length instead.)


To give our players more control over their ADS Sensitivity settings when it comes to the different zoom level of Siege’s optics, we’ve made some changes in the Controls tab of the Options menu.

Depending on the platform, players should now see a button with either "Mouse ADS Sensitivity" or "Controller ADS Sensitivity" through which they can access the game’s ADS Sensitivity settings.

In this new panel you’ll have the option to choose between Standard or Advanced ADS Sensitivity settings.


The Standard setting will allow you to apply one ADS Sensitivity in a range from 1 to 100 (or keep the default setting of 50) for all the sights and scopes, no matter their magnification.


In the Advanced settings you’ll now be able to change the ADS Sensitivity for all the different magnifications independently from each other through different sliders as shown in the asset above.

With these additional customization options, you’ll have much more control over your preferred experience when aiming down sight.

Please note: Players with existing profiles will have their ADS Sensitivity settings automatically adjusted to preserve the feeling they were used to have prior to the patch. In order to benefit from the gameplay improvement for more consistency across all zoom levels that was mentioned above, they have to reset their ADS Sensitivity settings to default.


We are aware that these are some big changes for Siege, and we understand they might feel a bit overwhelming at the beginning. Nevertheless, we believe they will truly improve the game, its gameplay and the experiences of you, our players.

We hope this article helped you to familiarize yourselves with the upcoming changes to weapon sights and scopes; all of them are available on the Y5S3 Test Servers – make sure to try them out and play around with them!

We’re looking forward to reading your feedback and thoughts about each of those changes on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook[www.facebook.com] and on our forums[forums.ubi.com].


  • R6 Siege Core Gameplay Modifications Cell
  • R6 Siege Balancing Cell
  • R6 Siege PC & Accessibility Cell
  • R6 Siege Operators Cell
  • R6 Siege Community Team


Kompletter Artikel: DEV BLOG: SIGHTS & SCOPES IN Y5S3