Hereford Base is getting a makeover. The aim of this rework is to make serious adjustments to the map to address previously encountered gameplay issues, and to raise the standards of what’s expected for competitive play. Overall, the map will still feel familiar, but this new Hereford Base contains many twists and should be treated as a new map.
The current map as we know it was the first to be prototyped for Rainbow Six Siege, so it only makes sense for this map to be the first rework. Rarely does a Dev Team get to revamp an existing map, let alone a location as iconic as Hereford. Thanks to your continued support and feedback, the Dev Team collected a good amount of data to make the required fixes, pushing Hereford Base to the next level.
Players can expect a new layout and the map as a whole will be bigger, meaning that each floor will have a larger surface area. Level Designers have also added new stairs to improve movement between each floor, increasing the viability of rotations. However, the new Hereford Base will still retain its “soul,” making multiple nods to the old base. Level Artists also took this opportunity to update the map’s visual identity and color palette, giving each floor more personality.
For the Level Designers, revisiting this map was a rare treat. Rainbow Six Siege has been running live for over two years. During this time, the level design team has matured and fine-tuned its knowledge of the game, and now has the chance to apply this knowledge to the Hereford Base map. Despite the frequent rain over Hereford Base, the Dev Team has a sunny and positive outlook on what’s to come.
Again, none of this would be possible without the community’s feedback. Thank you for all your support.
Find out all about Hereford’s full treatment by visiting our Rainbow Six Twitch Channel [] on August 17-19th during the first ever Six Major in Paris.