Below you will find the download sizes for each platform.
Ubisoft Connect: 675 MB
Steam: 1.4 GB
Xbox One: 854.90 MB
Xbox Series X: 1.17 GB
PS4: 922.3 MB
PS5: 874.8 MB
After monitoring a shadow deployment over the last weeks, abusive text chat penalty will now be activated, starting with its "grace period".
During grace period all players will only see warnings so they can adapt to the new system.
After the grace period is over, players who have sent too many hateful or abusive text chats will receive the abusive text chat penalty which will be active on their account for 30 matches.
For more information: {LINK REMOVED}
The Reputation section currently displays information about a player’s active penalties and their remaining duration.
As the Reputation system evolves, this section will update to display more information about a player’s Reputation as well as active penalties.
You can access this new section by clicking on the Reputation tile in the Home section.
With two penalties live, a Reputation tile has been added to the Home section, below the Alpha Packs tile.
This tile will display the number of active penalties and provide access to the Reputation section.
FIXED – Camera gets stuck in drone view. FIXED – Operators in downed state are eliminated if they fall through a hatch. FIXED – Dot reticle remains on screen if player aims down sights multiple times at once.
FIXED – Multiple LOD issues on various maps. FIXED – Using Kiba Barrier on top of shelves in Basement Arsenal Room of Club House allows players to climb on top of them.
FIXED – Warden is unable to activate his Glance Smart Glasses during a custom session occasionally.
FIXED – Under Barrel Laser cannot be equipped on the RG15.
FIXED – Grim does not receive score points when an ally eliminates an enemy pinged by the Kawan Hive.
FIXED – Ace’s S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher will attach to the opposite side of a wooden wall, but will destroy the wall as normal.
FIXED – Dokkaebi is able to use her Melee during the deployment of the Logic Bomb.
FIXED – Vigil is not receiving score points when activating ERC-7 before entering the Kawan Hive.
FIXED – Objective Markers, Operator Names, and Icons disappear the first time the spectator changes floor in Spectator Mode.
FIXED – Barricades are still visible after being destroyed if the player is joining a match in progress.
FIXED – Unmoved hostage eliminated by Goyo’s Volcan Shield will be attributed to the one detonating it.
FIXED – In Match Replay, users are unable to select drone view after using the rewind function to go back to the preparation phase.
FIXED – Crosshair Occasionally missing after spawning.
FIXED – Various UI issues.
FIXED – Various Shop and Customization issues.
FIXED – Various Localization issues.
Try out the latest Siege updates on the Test Server and don’t hesitate to report any bugs or issues you encounter on the {LINK REMOVED}new and improved R6Fix.
Follow us and share your feedback on Twitter, Reddit, {LINK REMOVED}Facebook and on our {LINK REMOVED}forums.
Kompletter Artikel: Y7S3.3 PATCH NOTES